Hello dear Growmunitiy,
This will probably be the last week until the beheading finally takes place. The ladies are busy producing trichrome and also spreading the corresponding smell :-)... Since they are currently only watering with water, you can also tell that the ladies have arrived in autumn.
Close-ups with a magnifying glass follow over the next few days, and then the tent is darkened again for two days before harvesting.
Best regards, peaze
Hallo geehrte Growmunitiy,
das dürfte wohl die letzte Woche sein, bis endlich geköpft wird. Die Damen sind fleißig am Trichrome produzieren und verbreiten auch entsprechenden Geruch :-)... Da aktuell nur noch mit Wasser gegossen wird, merkt man auch dass die Damen im Herbst angekommen sind.
Nahaufnahmen mit der Lupe folgen die Tage noch, und dann wird noch einmal für 2 Tage das Zelt abgedunkelt, bevor geerntet wird.
Liebste Grüße, peaz
@@Butrub, Yeah the purple-color startet in the last grow also after the 4th week. Think it has lot of anthocyane in it... (propably caused by her parents rainbow belts and of course biscotti) :)
@@Butrub, why is BB Cal/Mag not good?
I always measure the PH and give it PH- with it until I'm between 6.0 and 6.5... so that shouldn't be the problem, unless my pH meter returns incorrect results...
@@Butrub, yeah thats what i also guess. the black jack show no signs of to much heat/light. i´ve dimmed my led to get 300ppfd on canopy. and temperatures are now going slowly down with the end of summer.