
My First Grow

3 hours ago
Garden Highpro LedMaxEco 150
Garden Highpro LedMaxEco 150
Room Type
Grow medium
Germination Method
Directly In Substrate
Method used by growers
Statistics by method
Avg. success - 93%
Method popularity - 20%
White Monster Automatic
Avg. success
Zamnesia Seeds - 93%
White Monster Automatic - 86%
Commented by
krogor krogor
3 hours ago
Since this is my first grow i start out with one seed (in case something goes wrong) I have quite hard tap water which i use for watering. The soil is BioBizz Light-Mix. # Soaking in water I put the seed in a glass of water (between 21 and 24 °C). After 6 hours i pushed the seed underwater and it sank to the bottom of the glass. 24 hours after i put the seed into the glass a very small white line was visible. I removed the seed from the glass and put it into the soil. # Final pot I put the soaked seed into the final pot (fabric about 11 liters). I mixed the soil (BioBozz Light-Mix) with about 1.5 liters of water before putting the seed 1 to 2 cm below the surface. The temperature in the tent was 22.5 °C to 28°C and the humidity between 60 and 80%. # Seedling 2 days and 20 hours after putting the seed into the soil the first green leaves were visible (barely). To increase humidity i hang a wet towel in the tent (now about 65% and 23 °C) To increase humidity for the plant i covered it with a plastic cover (bottom of a plastic bottle) only for the first 12 hours. I removed it afterwards and now i have a vpd of about 0.84 kPa (leaf temp 22.5 °C, 61% Rh).
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Grow Questions
krogorstarted grow question 3 hours ago
1. Does it make sense to cover the seedling with a cover (bottom of a plastic bottle) to increase humidity or should i remove it (e.g. for better air circulation)? 2. Should i switch on a fan that moves the air a little bit (pointing it above the plant)?
Setup. Seedling
001100010010011110answered grow question 3 hours ago
Unless you are in a very arid region, you shouldn't need a dome for a seedling. 20-30% rh might be wise to put a dome on and cut soem holes in it until it is an appropriate RH% for your temperature - vpd chart is a visual aid for this. You want a slightly slower rate of transpiration (i.e. lower vpd than for mature vege or flower) early on, but too slow and you impede growth. I've read different suggestions but .8-.9 is probably fine. I'm usually above that, and the impact must be tiny. Circulation fan only needs to cause a little jostling of the plant. Definitely don't point it directly at it. A little twitch of a leaf here or there is fine.

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