Pretty narrow leaves on all for a 60% indica. Edit: later in the week some leaf curl began. Probably from gratuitously spraying spinosad at double concentration :/ F'ing whiteflies! Where did you even come from?! Treated with some Temprid FX at the base of the stems. Maybe it was that too. Or the neem / citric acid. Jesus I need to learn to use a lighter touch. Either way, this appeared contagious and only one plant was fighting it well so I culled the rest.
Then for good measure I foliar fed some broad spectrum soil mycos to the poor lonely lady (in case of viral infection). I'm guessing either the spinosad was colonized and growing on the leaves or a virus moved in while all the drugs were killing the bacterium and fungi.
This margin curl appears to have spread from one plant to 2 of the other 3. So I assumed not pH, not lockout, not nutrient based. Roots all great. I've culled the 3 and there is 1 survivor doing well but what was this? In the diary I mention using Temprid FX, Neem, Spinosad.
Like the Wham Boom they started with, experienced some brown slime in the first week after the addition of / despite the addition of Hydroguard and Wykos WP - needed some H202 to balance.
About time to take some clones for breeding. Was planning on crossing the best to the Wham Boom they started with but since this whole group was held back they now line up with some new options to consider with Imperium X, Sticky Boof being in week 1.
She's a strong one though. Maybe flip a piece of her as I clone and get to collecting pollen, selfing the mother and proceeding whenever with the rest. But I've always had more success flipping the entirety of a rooted clone versus part of a larger plant.
Like the Wham Boom they started with, experienced some brown slime in the first week after the addition of / despite the addition of Hydroguard and Wykos WP - needed some H202 to balance.