
Blue Dream

5 hours ago
Germination Method
Rockwool Cube
Method used by growers
Statistics by method
Avg. success - 92%
Method popularity - 4%
Blue Dream Auto
Avg. success
Fast Buds - 93%
Blue Dream Auto - 90%
Commented by
Qutro Qutro
14 days ago
Hi everybody, Welcome to the second chapter of our hydro journey. This time we will use the same DWC setup as before but in a smaller tent and with one of the variaties we won in the DOM may contest. I’ve wanted to grow it for a long time ‘cause I like her taste and effect so when they asked which of the 5 varieties I would like as a prize, I immediately said one should be Blue Dream.🌱 About the setup: Pot dimensions: 33cm x 30cm Container size: 19 liters Air pump: Halilea ACO 2210 (78 L/ hour) Level and drain pipe Net pot 12 cm Air stone +1 meter air pipe Rockwool cube I really enjoyed hydro last time, but the end result wasn’t what we wanted, except for the yield, which was acceptable. Buds were airy and effects wasn’t that potent as expected. I am pretty much aware of what didn't go well last time and we will work on improving it. Due to the continuous PH fluctuation in DWC, the nutrient uptake wasn’t adequate during flowering. We will try another nutrient line as well, the mineral line from Green House Feeding.💦 I will surely encounter many obstacles this time as well, but I hope that with your help we can solve them. So we germinated the seed in a rockwool cube in a DIY propagator dome. Within 4 days she emerged from the cube so we put her in the net pot and into the tent, which was already set as the Gorilla girls vegetated in it. The temp was far too high for germination(27 degrees) but she made it luckily.🌞 Wish everyone a happy and wonderful weekend! See you!💨
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Sour_Dweek 0
Best wishes for your new grow journey! 👊
NamasteDaveweek 0
Really want to switch to hydro at some point. Got a Blue Dream growing at the moment in coco..bushy little girl! Enjoy the journey to frosty goodness!
Hi @NamasteDave, many thanks buddy. Hydro is fun but for me needs more attention than other growing medium. Hoping for a better result this time.🙌
Legendaryseedthumbweek 0
Hey, This looks fantastic!, nice to see your page! 👨🏽‍🌾🌱
Hi @Legendaryseedthumb, That’s very kind, thanks a ton.👊🏻🌞
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Still_Smoqweek 0
Sounds like a nice strain, good luck and have fun growing!
Thanks a bunch @Still_Smoq 👊🏻 Love this old school variety. Let's hope for a successful round.🌱
Herbie101week 0
Best of luck for this blue dream hydro run buddy! This is strain is also on my list. Seem very nice!😁️ Happy growing 🌱🌞🍀
Thanks a lot @Herbie101, Yeah, luck I’ll need quite a bit for sure. 😀 Love this variety a lot.
Fast_Budsweek 0
Hi there, Thank you for running this diary. We will be looking forward to your updates. Happy growing 🌱🌱 & Good luck 😃
Eyy @Fast_Buds, Thank you kindly.🌱
DeepWaterGrowerweek 0
Good luck mate!
@DeepWaterGrower, Thanks, mate. Let’s hope for a better end result when it comes to bud density and strength.;)
SwissKushweek 0
This will be a monster in DWC, when I grew this in DWC it was HUGE! The buds are super potent! Will enjoy following this along!
Hi @SwissKush, I remember that cultivation, was amazing. I’m almost sure this won’t be even close to yours hahha.