Mishap of last week: I almost poisoned my plant by giving it the 50x dosage of nutrients.
My plan to save it back then was to unplant it and switch out the soil.
By doing so I also accidentally ripped of about 7mm of root.
I have now learned from a friend that what I did was not really a good Idea as I could've easily made it worse by doing so.
Luckily it survived. Also, I got some used 40w LED growlights.
New setup is: Pot in my wardrobe: Lights hung on two coathangers.
I know it aint optimal and I've got to upgrade soon because of size and probably constant UV-ish light won't be good for my clothes. Also smell in the future- shouldn't come to work smelling like a skunk I guess.
But at the moment, I think it'll suffice.
I also only gave it a little tad of nutrients this week as I thought I shouldnt provoke any burn.
It is growing nicely after a few days again, so I think the plant has recovered nicely from my mistake.
(Peek the two last pictures, about 24hrs between them)
Damn, for week 6 she is pretty small. She should be a beast by now? Idk, but something was off (temperature, humidity, VPD, watering pH, soil). But interesting that she is still not flowering after 6 weeks. Mine already flowered after week 4. Still, Happy growing 🌱
@Herikus, yeah, definitely small for her age. Im quite sure I over- fed and watered her at the start, but at the moment shes growing quite quickly. I also somehow messed up the weeks here, its been 37 days since I started so it's more like five weeks. But this is my first grow and I think I've learned some stuff for next time already; for example I used generic flowerpot soil- I've heard now that it probably wasn't that good of an idea. But I'll see what's gonna happen, even if my harvest isn't huge I'll be happy, as I'm not smoking that much.
Looking ok. 12hrs of light is low for this stage. 18hrs would be better.
You'll get a light on amazon.
Full spectrum led for 30-40$. It will make all the difference.
Good luck.