Thanks for checking out the grow, I am super stoked for this one! 😎
First time running MEPHISTO genetics and first time growing INDOORS!! We got the Vivosun 2x4 with a 200w LED for the grow environment. I went with Fox Farm's Happy Frog soil as the grow medium this time around and I'm still using Gaia Green Organics All-purpose 4-4-4 and their Powerbloom 2-8-4. The top 2 inches or so of the soil is plain happy frog to make it more seedling-friendly, and I mixed in 1 tbsp/gal into the rest. I'll be top dressing with All purpose/Powerbloom around week 3 or 4.
WATERING - using a spray pump to give it a bit of water daily. I add a thin layer of water to the entire surface to keep it humid and keep the soil from drying too much.
THINGS I WILL DO DIFFERENTLY: I did not realize humidity would be this hard to control. Where I live is naturally humid this time of year and I have air flowing in from outside so I thought it wouldn't be a problem, BUT I was wrong. It's hard to get it past 65% when the light is on because temperatures are so high. Also I'm looking to upgrade with an intake fan in the future, as right now I just have an exhaust.
TLDR; Humidity domes next time.
I'm new to this so your tips are appreciated! Peace 👊🙏
Strains - Creme de la Chem, Double Grape, Forum Stomper x Hubbabubbasmelloscope