

3 days ago
Grow Tent
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Coco Coir
Grow medium
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Week 1
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Commented by
3 days ago
⚡️⚡️ Instant Organic Feeding starts here!⚡️⚡️ WORLD FIRST INSTANT ORGANIC FEEDING TECHNIQUE!! Hi Growmies~! Today, I want to share how I make Instant Oranic Nutrients to feed all plants in my house. While I was growing my medicinal plant, which requires more nutrients than others. It seems to require a lot of dry nutrients, either for top dressing or for pre-mixing in the soil. Each dry nutrient by itself is not that expensive, but purchasing a variety of multi-packs can add up quickly as they disappear fast. I had to come up with a way to save dry nutrients while feeding my plants at the same time. And while I was developing this technique, a surprising benefit was hidden within. It was obvious, but I guess we often overlook things in this corporate world. The basic principle of this technique is that we grow and feed microbes, and through their digestion and feces, plants absorb nutrients and grow. Hope this helps! HOW TO MAKE IT 1. Find the title on "SSKNF - Live Soil Microbes @ Home." 2. Before adding compost or worm castings, mix in 1/4 tsp of your desired dry nutrients (Veg or Bloom) per gallon. 3. Mix well. HOW TO USE - Once the bubbles have completely died down, stir the nutrients once or twice a day for 2-3 days (the longer you wait, the better). - Filter or separate the nutrients from the compost by straining. - Dilute sea salt using this ratio: 1 pinch per gallon. - Store and use as needed. DOSAGE (Below are averages based on my trials; you'll need to observe your plants to adjust the amount as needed.) - Seedling (0 - 7 days) : 0 - 5ml / 1 Litter of Veg. nutrient + small pinch of sea salt - Seedling (8 - 14 days) : 10-20ml / 1 Litter of Veg. nutrient + small pinch of sea salt - Vegitative (15 - 21 days) : 20 - 30ml / 1 Litter of Veg. nutrient + small pinch of sea salt - Vegitative (22 - 28 days) : 30 - 40ml / 1 LItter of Veg. nutrient + small pinch of sea salt (Starting from this point, you might need to increase by 5-10 ml per liter based on your plant's response.) - Pre-Flowering (29 - 35 days) : 50 - 60ml / 1 Litter of Veg. nutrient + small pinch of sea salt - Pre/Flowering (36 - 42 days) : 60 - 70ml / 1 Litter of Veg. nutrient + small pinch of sea salt - Flowering (43 - 49 days) : 70 - 80ml / 1 Litter of Flower nutrient + small pinch of sea salt - Flowering (50 - 56 days) : 80 - 85ml / 1 Litter of Flower nutrient + small pinch of sea salt - Flowering (57 - 63 days) : 50 - 60ml / 1 Litter of Flower nutrient + small pinch of sea salt - Flowering (64 - 70 days) : Plain water [PROS] - Instantly feeds plants with organic matter - Shows results as quickly as synthetic nutrients. - A heavy dose of foliar feed will result in growth speeds similar to hydroponics. - The solution made 24 hours in advance can be an excellent foliar feed, as it doesn’t leave any stains on the leaves due to the hard minerals being dissolved. - Compatible with Coco, Fox Farm.. etc (Kracky techniques seem to work, and testing is ongoing. DWC will require dosage adjustments due to unstable pH from the bubbler) - Save Dry nutrients by 100 to 1000x the recommended usage - Snaps out of dificiencies fast - Enables precise feeding based on the timing of veg or bloom stages with this method. - Allows plants to selectively take up nutrients as they need them and when they need them. - Helps feed plants even when the soil is imbalanced, while the soil works to restore its balance. - Easy and fast to mix and water in - Eliminates guesswork, reducing grower error. - Allows plants to reach their full potential. - Nutrients can be prepared ahead of time, ensuring you never run out during feeding. [CONS] - The solution has the odor of decomposing matter. - Requires empty bottles if straining or storage is needed. - Needs dry nutrients and/or other desired organic materials to liquify KNOW HOW - To reduce odor, mixing in rock dust and/or fermented plant juice can help. - Allows soil to dry slightly before watering (say good bye to Fungus Gnats!) 1 Corinthians 10:26
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