I decided to pop a few extra as some will be given away to friends. The first run of Velvet Moon never sprouted, along with 1 of the Gorilla Breath. I had some 'random fem' seeds that were included so popped 4 of those too, only 3 came up.
From left to right there are now sprouted, 3 Random, 4 Gorilla Breath, 2 Velvet Moon, 3 Gorilla Zkittlez and 3 London Mint Cake.
As these were popped 5 days apart, there is a difference in growth however the second round seem to be doing a lot better. I believe the dilution of Sea Kelp was too strong on the first run and has stunted them. You can see a visible difference in colour with the first run being a lighter shade of green. I am not too worried as this can be fixed down the line. I have fed 1 feed of Sea Kelp yesterday diluted at 1ml/L. They seem to be doing alright.
For the next week, I plan to water with a light mix of Root Roids by Dr. Greenthumbs every second day and they will be left outside.
I love that I came by your page, I really like what I see!. If you have time to spare, I have some crazy things going on right now so feel free to come over if you’d like.
Best of wishes. 💜