Day 14
Inglourious Bastard by Sanya's Sativa Seeds
200 ml of water with Clonex every day per start
Today added Hy-Pro Fertilizers leaf spray for the first time
Before any questions arise as to why a leaf has a hole: It happened when repotting, so everything is fine
Light source Xcalibor SSBS 800 by FENIX MTX Gmbh now switched to blue
LED with 800 W ballast now runs at 200 W at approx. 700 PPFD and 1.50 spacing. Yes, I know I'm running a high PPFD value, but I know what I'm doing here. This run is also being run on soil with Hy Pro Hydro A-B. Booster and Rooting Terra normal.
Extraction PK 160 EC/TC
Filter Rhino Pro Carbon
Homebox Ambient 120 x 120 +
Control by CTgrow
When it's back, unfortunately a sensor was defective
Strain Buddhi one is for you little pot on top