m0useanswered grow question a month ago If its all you got and you need it to finish try and pluck off all the pollen sacks. and if any of them are open have wet fingers when handling them to help prevent cross pollination.
I would prob try and save it. and I would not grow that strain from that breeder again.
I don't have any experience with GreenHouseSeeds so no idea how they rate overall. But I know other brands are fucking garbage over all, Garden Of Green, Expert Seeds, Irish Seed Bank all trash and all sisters of each other under the same corporate umbrella.
I grew 4 Honey Mints seeds from Exotic seeds and 2 or 3 of them went hermi on me, The one I sent away to my friends did not hermi and turned out real nice. I can't remember if I found balls on just one of the plants or two in my tent of three. But it did pollinate everything just not very well. Not as many seeds made.
So pluck the balls asap and becareful they don't pop open when plucking em off. and monitor for more as the plant will be trying to make more.