We’ve entered the seventh week of the vegetative period, and the changes in the plants are visible every day. The growth is vigorous, and the plants' energy is more evident than ever. The stems are beginning to thicken, giving a sense of robustness and strength. The leaves, wide and healthy, are a clear sign that we're on the right track.
Today, something interesting happened: I identified the first pollen sack. This made me act quickly! I rushed to perform the topping, an essential step to ensure the lateral branches can fully develop. My goal is to delay flowering a little longer so the plant can expand and form a stronger, more productive structure.
It’s worth remembering that, since this is an outdoor grow without supplemental lighting, the vegetative period tends to be shorter. This means we need to optimize every phase and make the most of the time we have before transitioning into flowering.
Every change is an opportunity to learn and adapt. I’m excited to see how the plants will respond to this intervention and, of course, looking forward to the next steps of this journey!