I took a couple of pictures with the lamp on so you could see the frosty finish coming just before Christmas, i have been opening the window in the mornings most of the last 2 weeks to flow c02 and to chill the colas a bit to get them looking more crystalized i think it works to get them frosted by snow or almost a chilled wet air from outside because the humidity gets dried up before it creates any damage to the trichomes because its so cold outside but yet warm inside i keep the fan blowing toward the window when i do this so it doesn't stunt the plant from a temp drop.
I intend to do one more heavy dosage of Tiger Bloom and SuperThrive. I will not harvest till it shows most pistils brown from amber still many of the white pistil's mixed in with the amber so its not near harvest time yet i don't believe. I continued to slowly continue L.s.t. and Minimal H.s.t as you can see and it has helped tremendously i testify to my vision because i did not stress it out during mid flower and waited till week 7 and it was also given a small trim of leaves around some of the bottoms of the cola's. This has helped stop Bleach burn i was continuously worried of and i was able to drop the height of the bulb this way as weight was put on the bud's and sunk them as i trained them to droop a little more. I did a warm water flush and put a drain ramp clip under the pot to air out the roots and the run off its only about a quarter inch thick. Continued with one more flush, waiting to see how the colas fill up the next 2 or 3 days and might harvest if the Trichomes are turning amber. I have all milky Trichomes and will examine tomorrow to see how much has been packing on it looks like one more week tops i would assume for harvest Peak with some amber but id rather harvest with little to no amber but i will see how it looks and judge it then i see what the size of the buds look like.