I think my auto flowers have started pre flower and I’m planning on doing some LST on it in the coming days. They have doubled in size this week and I’m hoping they get a bit taller.
Photos are showing signs that they are hungry. The lower leaves are starting to turn yellow so I decided to just transplant them into a 3 gallon pot with new soil and new nutrients. I’m using Sunshine Mix #4 so we will see how long they are good for or if they are still hungry. I have GH 3 part nutes with armor si that I’m planning to use along with recharge. I wish I got cal mag to start there first feeding cause I read that it was light enough for their first feed but it’s all good. Just excited to see more growth!
PEST: whiteflies were getting crazy so I got neem oil which I haven’t used yet and sticky traps that caught a bunch of them and so far it hasn’t been as bad as the couple of days before.