Last week, I did some LST on day 25 and I cutted 2-3 leafs. After that, I let the plants grow, hoping they would stretch more so I could do another LST session at the end of the week. However, they didn’t stretch much.
In the end, I now have two bonsai cannabis plants, which is good because my tent is quite low, but slightly larger plants would have also been fine. I think flowering has started, and I reduced the light to 60% in the hope of encouraging a bit more stretch during the first days of flowering.
Probably, combining HST and LST at day 18 was too much stress, and I should have stuck to just LST, as I did in my last grow. However, I am still new to growing and trying to find my way.
I watered on days 23 and 27 with 2 liters until some water flowed out of the pots.