These were breeder freebies!
nowayReggie always likes to start with the freebies. I feel as though the breeders choice is usually better than my own and maybe its completely random but either way here they are with me and LETS GOOO!
This diary is a break off of the orginal diary which is still going.
Where we chose the best looking plant at week 4 to have one diary straight through.
The other plants were main lined and topped and those too will have their own diaries. as these mainlining is a new technique for myself that I would like to document.
nowayReggie also plans on taking cuts and keeping this strain going!
Week 1 Flower
Was not planning on transplanting again for another week.
- Transplant from 1 gallon to a 2 gallon.
Transplanted from directly 24 hr room to 12 hour room without standard 36 hr darkness period.
Plant did not show signs of sex yet.. chance taken.
Plant showed no signs of transplant shock
Genetics are
F(Ghost Breathe)
(Ghost Og x Mendo Breathe)
M(Cherry Chem)
(Cherry Pie x ChemDawg BX3)
soil: Coast of Maine Stonington Blend
Light: Spider Farmer G-3000
Nutes: Drip Hydro fluids[dialed]
Thank You for checking out these diaries! I do a try to give my best to these diaries but I also try to be a fully present parent and I need more hours than the day offers some times.
Much love to all the growers out there showing their talent! Keep it up!