What a week! I decided to give topping a try, so on day 18 I topped her. Maybe Fimming is a better word for it because I tried to take as little a possible. But she looks like she recovered nicely and didn't really notice it at all. No stunted plant, hurray! 😃
On day 21 I started her LST to spread her out more and get more bud at the end!
I noticed she has a small mutation, the seconde node only grows from one side. This is a little unfortunate, but hopefully it wont impact harvest to much. And now I have a way to LST her easily.
@Trainrails, that's the way to do it! Just keep learning and trying new things. Only way to get better. AMD I'll pray to the cannabis garden God for your ladies!
@Trainrails, that's the way to do it! Just keep learning and trying new things. Only way to get better. AMD I'll pray to the cannabis garden God for your ladies!