☀️16.37h (balcony)
Pot size 5ltr biobizz all mix
Tapwater pH 7
Day 57
One of the Cookies doing great. She smells amazing. I give her biobizz bloom a couple of times... The other days just tapwater. One of two more weeks to go before the chop.
The other one is also doing great except she won't go into flowering stage...This could be a problem because I want her to finish before September.
Maybe I make the days shorter manually, but that requires a lot of discipline..I'm not sure if I can put her into darkness every day.
Day 62
Ok, new plans... I did some LST on the photoperiod so I can put her in the closet. She's going to flower in the closet under LED in a couple of days. So..this one is out of competition
@IndeKast, first year I do lst and I love it.. i have 1 without lst and she is going to have the smallest yield ever :) maybe just bad genetics :)
Good luck!
@GrowDutch, haha dankjewel wijsneus...ik zat daar ook aan te denken om ze 2 dagen in het donker te zetten, maar daarna gaan ze weer naar buiten en krijgen ze weer lange dagen van 16+ uur. Zou dat geen stress opleveren met kans op hermafrodiet? Helaas gaat elke dag verduisteren (12/12) niet lukken. Ik denk er nog even over na.