I just got a Roleadro 1500w grow light delivered (https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07NXX3HW9/ref=twister_B07R7VH6FH?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1) ; It was $101 after promo.
I currently have it set up at about 2.5 feet away. It draws 227-228w.
05/23: she seems to be responding really well to the 1500w light. The tomatoes have been very sensitive to sunlight, drooping and needing watering after full day exposure, but seem to like the grow light very much. I think I need to repot to my 5 gallon pots for the tomatoes soon, as they are needing more frequent watering. Not sure about Blue.
05/26: end the week at 13.5"