June 4, 2019: Looking closely at the space available to me, even if at the moment in my secret garden I have 18 plants in different stages of growth, I think I can reach a total of 26 or maybe even more. To maximize the space under the HPS lamp I decided to use in a classic rectangular plastic garden table. Almost all the plants do not exceed one meter in height and by raising the lamp a little more I managed to place 7 plants on the table, thus gaining a space below which I plan to use to grow the newly germinated plants. At the side of the table there is a Pourple Glam Kush (which at the moment has nothing to pourple, we'll see in advanced bloom) and a Sweet Tooth that being already more than 160 cm high remain with the vase on the ground. In the Grow room I now have smaller plants and the new 4 varieties for which single diaries will be created have just germinated.
Looking good ... Just got done harvesting a Northern Lights Auto & a AK-49 Auto myself. I wish you the same success.Good luck with the rest of your grow👍👍👍