Good weather highs 22 C with overnight low now above 10 C.
Decided to top GSC on day 32. Later than recommended but it is still vegetating and all four plants seem a bit behind compared to indoor grows or where overnight lows are higher.
Bought a pH meter to deal with city water pH being 7.5 which above the optimum for cannabis of 6-6.5. One cap of vinegar in 7 L of water does the trick for this water.
Adjusting water pH is the number one tip Fast Buds mentions for new growers, even using soil, so hopefully that improves things. So far so good.
Should I harvest this plant in six days, or wait two more weeks? I’m away next week and I think I harvested my Polar Express a bit too early and don’t want to do that again. Now at Day 90.
Outdoor grow with cool nights means it takes longer than Fast Buds says until harvest.
I would push it as long as you can to ripen her up. My fastbuds gorilla vegged about the same length as yours and it was ready at 14 weeks. As long as it gets over 70 during the day she will make good progress. Below 60 and growth slows down a lot.
Oh wow I though topping and stuff is a nono for autos?! When is it recommended sir? Awesome report! I'm growing the same genetics this outdoor season :)
Started seeds on May 11 (soaked in distilled water overnight and planted in soil in peat pots) and they were poking up by May 15. Had dates wrong before I think, but today would be day 11.
Oh wow I though topping and stuff is a nono for autos?! When is it recommended sir? Awesome report! I'm growing the same genetics this outdoor season :)
@Northern_Ent, Thanks for the elaborate info bro! I found this 'low stress' variant of topping that I will have a go with, less invasive than straight cutting. See video, might be interesting.
@rdlans, thanks. Modern autos can get big (this was definitely a good one) but you don’t want to stress them. Start in final container if you can or use a peat pot…you don’t want the roots at all constricted. Top while it’s still vegging and definitely not once it’s started flowering.
Cool overnight temps can prolong veg stage which is good, but too cool will stunt their growth. If nearing frost definitely bring inside or cover. Plant will look fine after but growth will be stunted after a brief overnight frost while vegging. Fall frosts usually aren’t a problem as the plants are bigger.
Plants also take longer outdoors, or least here they do. Expect about 100 days for most autos - plus or minus a couple weeks. If in a hotter climate expect shorter veg and flowering times, and likely smaller plants. Good luck. Best hobby in the world.
@Drgreen13, sorry man, I thought I answered this ages ago. Was trying using coconut oil for extraction because that is allowed under the rules here in Canada for commercial products. So just trying it and don’t recommend. Freezer tinctures made using Everclear are very good, hash is a bit better. Cheers.
@Northern_Ent, yes they get bigger 😁 my Tangie matic was about 147 cm and the Stardawg the same, yes they are perfect for it! Have tried photoperiod dependent but with no good result cause the short summers
@SwedenX, thanks. Will wait at least another week now. We’ll see how it looks when I get back from my trip. These modern autoflowers are great for our climate and latitude. The cool nights and long sunlight hours are key, but all four of my plants are at least 50% bigger than advertised 🤠.