Northern_Entcommentedweek 52 years ago
@rdlans, thanks. Modern autos can get big (this was definitely a good one) but you don’t want to stress them. Start in final container if you can or use a peat pot…you don’t want the roots at all constricted. Top while it’s still vegging and definitely not once it’s started flowering.
Cool overnight temps can prolong veg stage which is good, but too cool will stunt their growth. If nearing frost definitely bring inside or cover. Plant will look fine after but growth will be stunted after a brief overnight frost while vegging. Fall frosts usually aren’t a problem as the plants are bigger.
Plants also take longer outdoors, or least here they do. Expect about 100 days for most autos - plus or minus a couple weeks. If in a hotter climate expect shorter veg and flowering times, and likely smaller plants. Good luck. Best hobby in the world.
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