hello guys little update of 09/05/2019, I put the plant outside that the temperatures went down and I washed the jar, and given neem oil and kitchen soap sprayed all over the floor including the vase and the saucer .. she is very tried! from the attack of the winged midges, the infestation started from this plant.😰
in these last weeks an epidemic of winged flies has broken out, those that are also in the ground, small and winged; have caused so much damage to the plant, so I had to cut some branches, eliminate the leaves battered by the damage, I hope at least something comes out otherwise flies 1 weeds 0 !!!😭😭😡
because of the flies infestation plus the problem of the device that lit the lamp in time, they managed to reduce my buds by a lot! I even picked up 10/15 days before .... I will post the photos shortly
hello friends I am very angry because an infestation of winged flies has stressed two plants so much ... as you can see the harvest will be very small, I tried all the various options and I managed to make them escape!😭