June 12. Transplanted from small fabric pots to 6" pots. They had suffered from heat stress and EM1 fell over! Re-potted and buried the stem in dirt for support. EM2 is now the largest. EM3 had germinated a week later than the rest. This image is EM# a week later.
I should have noticed the spots that were caused by the thrips on week 2 but I was ignorant of this sign. on week 3 I pulled a leaf and looked at it under my microscope and it was crawling with larvae. I treated (sprayed top and bottom of leaves) one plant with Schultz Insecticidal Soap and it almost killed the plant. It has come back somewhat but still messed up from this crap that is "safe on plants". I put out yellow sticky traps but I can't see any of them stuck on it. A week later I still had them on this plant so I cut a lot of infested leaves.