7/14 (day 21) - LST contiunes to go well. Adjusting dsily to keep plany growing towards edge of pot. Decided to trim a single fan leaf off to expose new growth to more light. Happy wirh results so far. We will see how plant responds over next few days.
7/15 - plant seems to be responding well to trimming one fan leaf. Contiuning to see new growth nodes and LST seems to be working well for plant as well. Plan to give first dose of nutrients in next day or so.
7/16 - watered plant today. Gave one gallon of water. Also gave first dose of nutrients in water. 7ml of grow big. Ph of water was 6.5 and runoff water measured out at 5.5. LST contiunes to go well. Plants begining to grow vertical again so second tie down should happen in next few days.
7/17/19 - nothing major today.
Started to fold and hide bigger fan leaves to expose new growth to light.
7/18/19 - no updates. Contiune to mist plant 2-3 times a day but didnt do much else today. Plant looks to be healthy.
7/19/19 - watered plant today with 1 gallon of plain 6.5ph water. Also decided to try and defoliate 4 fan leaves as plant was getting very bushy. Tried to remove 4 biggest fan leaves to expose as much light to new growth. Hope the 4 leaves dont stunt or shock her. Also did more LST and tied down 3-4 more branches.
7/20/19 - continued to defoliate 5 more fan leaves to try to expose more light to base. Should be flowering any day now.