First signs of flowering started at around 8 weeks or late summer.
Apologies if pics aren’t grow tents quite crowded. Hoping to take better pics in flowering stage.
Each of the bud sites developed from LST have become like plants in there own right excited to see how buds develop.
Really healthy plant can definitely tell it’s a sativa dominant strain.
Anyone have any suggestions on how to limit height without damaging plant?
Worried she’ll end up to big and pressing against top of tent and get hit with mold
I think you've already answered your own question with the supercrop! But make sure you tie and support them or they might snap under the weight of the buds.
In help to your question, but without answering, i will recommend you super cropping, but let expert people bring you the right answer. Wish you all the best with that monster lady ;). Green love 💚💚💚.
@RogueTeletubby, well i never did a hard super cropping, so I don't have that answer. I just did 2 super croppings, in my current AK, but in a very low way, I did it in the 2 highest tails, I squeezed on its upper part without bending it, I simply squeezed the stem until I noticed that it was crushing the inner hollow of the branch, so those branches take a little longer to develop and the others take them in height for when they have recovered. Hope it helps, Cheers!
@Cogollo_eu, awesome thanks will super crop her.
Is it ok if she’s 2-3 weeks into flower?
it’s not to late into it and seems like only solution that would work 😆
Forgot to mention that i run into a similar height problem too last year, my solution was to totally bend higher colas, and support them horizontally with a SCROG mesh, you can check it here:
Hope it helps!, green love!!