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Late Ghost train clone outdoors.

5 years ago
Room Type
weeks Technique
weeks Technique
4 L
Pot Size
Week 1. Vegetation
6 years ago
10.16 cm
16 hrs
27 °C
41 %
19 °C
20 °C
19 °C
4 L
Nutrients 3
NovaMax Bloom - Terra Aquatica
NovaMax Bloom 2 mll
NovaMax Grow - Terra Aquatica
NovaMax Grow 4 mll
CALiMAGic  - Terra Aquatica
CALiMAGic 2 mll
So we had one rooted cutting left from our batch of ghost train haze that wasn't re homed or thrown into the SOG grow! So I decided just for shits and giggles we would run this outdoors as a late upgrade to the outdoor garden. Knowing full well I probably wont get much outta her but some entertainment for the next coming weeks :p Going to be using flora nova 2 part mix along with calimagic for sure but probably won't be investing too much extras to her feed unless by some crazy mirical she gives me a reason too. Will update shortly with the growth on this late arrival to the garden. Until then happy growing and stay lit fam.
Week 2. Vegetation
6 years ago
15.24 cm
15 hrs
26 °C
46 %
19 °C
21 °C
18 °C
4 L
Nutrients 3
NovaMax Bloom - Terra Aquatica
NovaMax Bloom 2 mll
NovaMax Grow - Terra Aquatica
NovaMax Grow 4 mll
CALiMAGic  - Terra Aquatica
CALiMAGic 2 mll
Shes picking up the growth speed hopefully shell get a solid couple more weeks veg before she starts to transition to flower. Every node is more bud sites and God knows we need it on this late arrival to the outdoor garden. Shes small and really just for fun so let's see wut the runt will do. Will update soon. Happy growing and stay lit fam. ***UPDATE We trained the little one a bunch more! Spreading her right out horizontally. 3 days did hella good for her let's see what the rest of the week will do! Will update than. Happy growing and stay lit fam.
Week 3. Vegetation
6 years ago
15.24 cm
14 hrs
24 °C
36 %
19 °C
20 °C
17 °C
4 L
Nutrients 3
NovaMax Bloom - Terra Aquatica
NovaMax Bloom 2 mll
NovaMax Grow - Terra Aquatica
NovaMax Grow 4 mll
CALiMAGic  - Terra Aquatica
CALiMAGic 2 mll
Growths been great ...but the hours of light are quickly getting shorter and it's just a matter of time before our veg window is closed and this little lady starts to switch into flowering. Luckily this strain continues to grow well into flower as well as the initial large stretch of the variety as well. We wont get a heaping haul but this late arrival to the outdoor season might just have a few ozs in her yet! We are doing all the training we can to maximize every bud site so cant say we didnt try lmfao. Like I said from the jump not the most practical grow more just a fun little experiment with a left over, extra clone!. Will repot her into a 3gallon container mid week which should do the little princess the 10 weeks of expected flowering time... (grown out plenty of clones from this mother) but anything can happen I guess. Will update when I repot. Happy growing and stay lit fam
Week 4. Vegetation
6 years ago
27.94 cm
13 hrs
24 °C
39 %
19 °C
21 °C
16 °C
4 L
Nutrients 3
NovaMax Bloom - Terra Aquatica
NovaMax Bloom 2 mll
NovaMax Grow - Terra Aquatica
NovaMax Grow 4 mll
CALiMAGic  - Terra Aquatica
CALiMAGic 2 mll
Shes really filling out for a girl so late to the party! Believe shes starting to transition into flower... buds arent apparent but stretching of the colas is revving up as if it's starting the flower stretch. Only time will tell though. Shes doing nice and healthy though. We continued our lst work and shes responded greatly. Until next update happy growing and stay lit fam.
Week 5. Flowering
5 years ago
40.64 cm
13 hrs
24 °C
42 %
19 °C
21 °C
16 °C
4 L
Nutrients 3
NovaMax Bloom - Terra Aquatica
NovaMax Bloom 2 mll
NovaMax Grow - Terra Aquatica
NovaMax Grow 4 mll
CALiMAGic  - Terra Aquatica
CALiMAGic 2 mll
Seems like shes starting the transition into flower! Colas are stretching and shes decent size after the work we did. Especially considering how late she hit the garden. Cant wait to see the flower this lady blooms.😍🤩😍 Update soon! Happy growing and stay lit fam. ***UPDATE Did some more training to her creating a rig to tie her off too. Quite relaxing gardening and getting in the zone 😍🤩😍
Week 6. Flowering
5 years ago
60.96 cm
13 hrs
22 °C
39 %
19 °C
19 °C
16 °C
4 L
Nutrients 3
NovaMax Bloom - Terra Aquatica
NovaMax Bloom 4 mll
NovaMax Grow - Terra Aquatica
NovaMax Grow 2 mll
CALiMAGic  - Terra Aquatica
CALiMAGic 2 mll
Flower is now in full swing! Got those white pom poms blossoming all over this wonderfully trained diva! Switched her to bloom feed! Going basic with her has treated her well! Growing techniques can be enough mixed with the essential nutrients to have great results! Dont necessarily need to pump them full of shit. She just started flowering but already resin development on her tiny flowers! Signs of goodness to come? Will update again shortly. Happy growing and stay lit fam.
Week 7. Flowering
5 years ago
68.58 cm
13 hrs
22 °C
41 %
19 °C
17 °C
12 °C
4 L
Nutrients 3
NovaMax Bloom - Terra Aquatica
NovaMax Bloom 4 mll
NovaMax Grow - Terra Aquatica
NovaMax Grow 2 mll
CALiMAGic  - Terra Aquatica
CALiMAGic 2 mll
Buds are developing strong! Resin production is constant... as new growth appears as does the new frost on it! Training work seems to be paying off as all buds seem to be getting equal resources! I kept the all the same height so no dominance! Going to be fun to watch these flowers progress! Our temp have dropped large at night so we might just get some nice colors too . Until next update happy growing and stay lit fam!
Week 8. Flowering
5 years ago
68.58 cm
12 hrs
22 °C
37 %
19 °C
17 °C
12 °C
4 L
Nutrients 3
NovaMax Bloom - Terra Aquatica
NovaMax Bloom 4 mll
NovaMax Grow - Terra Aquatica
NovaMax Grow 2 mll
CALiMAGic  - Terra Aquatica
CALiMAGic 2 mll
Progress has been decent considering the wet and gloomy weather we had as of late! Buds are starting to bulk up and coat themselves with resin!and all around bud development has been relative to the weather! Will update shortly with growth and pics! Happy growing and stay lit fam. ***UPDATE Added some bud shots and plant shots for mid week! Temps are dropping hella fast outdoors! Probably going to have to home her inside very shortly will update on that as soon as I make the call! Happy growing and stay lit fam!
Week 9. Flowering
5 years ago
68.58 cm
12 hrs
18 °C
37 %
19 °C
16 °C
10 °C
4 L
Nutrients 3
NovaMax Bloom - Terra Aquatica
NovaMax Bloom 4 mll
NovaMax Grow - Terra Aquatica
NovaMax Grow 2 mll
CALiMAGic  - Terra Aquatica
CALiMAGic 2 mll
So the weather stabled out and went back to more seasonally correct conditions so I've decided to roll the dice with her and see if we can bring her all the way to ripe outdoors. That being said I got a light on stand by just in case lmfao! Buds are really fattening and frosting over nicely 😍🤩😍 And all out plant development is on point for the course! No signs of distress due to the small 1 gallon container constricting the roots, or lack of nutrition from the minuscule feeds. Not a very hungry strain apparently. I'm having fun extending the outdoor growing season! So cheers to another good week of growth! Until next week happy growing and stay lit fam!
Week 10. Flowering
5 years ago
68.58 cm
12 hrs
16 °C
37 %
19 °C
16 °C
9 °C
4 L
Nutrients 3
NovaMax Bloom - Terra Aquatica
NovaMax Bloom 4 mll
NovaMax Grow - Terra Aquatica
NovaMax Grow 2 mll
CALiMAGic  - Terra Aquatica
CALiMAGic 2 mll
So she completes another solid week of growth outdoors! The weather was decent and she capitalized on every second of quality sunlight. Bulking up her flowers and sparkling her self with a ton of new trichs! Been keeping a close tab on the over night temps and watching her leaves for signs of stress from the cold but shes still doing fine and quite strong. We defoliated a touch to open those budsites up a bit! Weve had a bit of rain and I want good air circulating the bud sites to prevent mold and PM. Got a light on stand by just in case... but let's see if this late arrival to the garden can go all the way out here! Until next update happy growing and stay lit fam!
1 like
Week 11. Flowering
5 years ago
68.58 cm
12 hrs
18 °C
41 %
19 °C
16 °C
11 °C
4 L
Nutrients 3
NovaMax Bloom - Terra Aquatica
NovaMax Bloom 4 mll
NovaMax Grow - Terra Aquatica
NovaMax Grow 2 mll
CALiMAGic  - Terra Aquatica
CALiMAGic 2 mll
It's been unseasonably warm which is great for us! So we ain't complaining. It's been 15-18 degrees with minimal rain fucking awsome for our extended outdoor season. She put on hella weight and branches are sagging! Crystal coverage is getting intense and we are starting to get purple hues. We have hit the bulking phase than we will get the swell! So look out for our calyxs to get nice and plump over the next week! This plant is loving her conditions outside and absolutely flourishing! She is reeking the sqaure kilometers around her! Will update in s couple days. Untill than happy growing and stay lit fam! ***UPDATE Temps hit 1 degrees over night yesterday! So we had no choice but bring the strong princess in! She showed no signs of wear from the cold... but her pot was chilly to my touch... it was just a matter of time before she gave in and circum too the weather. Shes gunns ride out the end of her days strong indoors under led! Until next update happy growing and stay lit fam.
1 like
Week 12. Flowering
5 years ago
68.58 cm
12 hrs
23 °C
44 %
19 °C
16 °C
17 °C
4 L
45.72 cm
Nutrients 3
NovaMax Bloom - Terra Aquatica
NovaMax Bloom 4 mll
NovaMax Grow - Terra Aquatica
NovaMax Grow 2 mll
CALiMAGic  - Terra Aquatica
CALiMAGic 2 mll
So since being brought indoors she has really chunked out! Frosted herself over and just hit her last weeks running! She absolutely reeks of a potent stank of citrus and I swear to God "PUKE". She will go about another week before we start to give her a flushing! We will flush her for 10 days with straight ph'd water. Cant wait to take a trip on this ghost train! Shes almost ready for her first ride! Will update again midweek with ripening report and some good old bud porn. Until then happy growing and stay lit fam!
Week 13. Flowering
5 years ago
68.58 cm
12 hrs
23 °C
44 %
19 °C
16 °C
17 °C
4 L
45.72 cm
Nutrients 3
NovaMax Bloom - Terra Aquatica
NovaMax Bloom 4 mll
NovaMax Grow - Terra Aquatica
NovaMax Grow 2 mll
CALiMAGic  - Terra Aquatica
CALiMAGic 2 mll
Flowers have just continued bulking up and frosting over! I'm loving it the more weight and potency the better... I'm in no rush. Neither is she... apparently the sativa in this girl is really coming out in the flowering time! But some of the best things in life come with patience and time! The smell just keeps getting more intense! Pukey citrusy vomit is the only way to describe it. Such a pungent aroma u know its gunna be a heavy hitter! Shes got a couple weeks in her yet and yhongs keep looking better and better! So look out for her next sexy update! Until then happy growing and stay lit fam!
Week 14. Flowering
5 years ago
68.58 cm
12 hrs
23 °C
44 %
19 °C
16 °C
17 °C
4 L
45.72 cm
Nutrients 3
NovaMax Bloom - Terra Aquatica
NovaMax Bloom 4 mll
NovaMax Grow - Terra Aquatica
NovaMax Grow 2 mll
CALiMAGic  - Terra Aquatica
CALiMAGic 2 mll
So I was posting early yesterday with pics of this beauty and stating as things were rolling she had more than 2 weeks of flower left in her! Than I woke up today and was like damn! She did a huge swell and looks to have completed her bulking period and she already went like 80 % cloudy in ONE DAY! so it's looking more like 10 days left now! Leaving us just enough time to give her a solid flush. We gave her her last nutrient feed yesterday to help her through that last push! And its straight ph'd water from here on out. We are going to see her start to fade out as she finishes up over her last few days! Let's see if she has any late bloom colour she wants to throw off! We are almost there!!! So until next update happy growing and stay lit fam!
Week 15. Flowering
5 years ago
68.58 cm
12 hrs
23 °C
41 %
19 °C
16 °C
17 °C
4 L
45.72 cm
So we completed her 10 day flush and went 1 extra day. She finished off looking like a real stunner! Resin coated flowers are just sprawled all over her petite frame! We went 1 extra day to get to the 70/30 we were looking for and it was bang on point! She is now going through the drying / curing process. Over her last week the aroma got even more extreme like citrus puke! Going to be some potent AF flower I know that already! Will post her harvest once she's dried and trimmed! And I have all the specs. Prefer to drop a complete harvest report not update it as I go. So look out for that in the next week or so!
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Week 15. Harvest
5 years ago
Happy Harvest Day!
Strain ran outside stellar putting up with mother natures cruelty and harsh shitty growing conditions we had this year. Had not a single bug issue when everyone I know was battling bugs outside including myself on other plants I had out there. Must have been her putrid citrus stank warding em away lmfao! Wonderful strain for outdoors!!! No mold or PM issues even with the heavy rainfall and high rh on the daily during flower. Very resistant genetics, and very potent flavorful finished product! A must try for all connoisseurs.
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Spent 106 days
Ger Veg Flo Har
96 g
Bud wet weight per plant
15.1 g
Bud dry weight per plant
Positive effects
Energetic, Euphoric, Giggly
Positive effects
Negative effects
Dry eyes
Negative effects
Citrus, Sour, Sweet

Day air temperature
Air humidity
Light schedule
Solution temperature
Night air temperature
Substrate temperature
Pot size
Lamp distance
Very resistant genetics 10 outta 10 for that! But get yourself a good pair of trimming scissors cause this variety is LEAFY! The sativa runs deep in her and the flowers truely show it. A trimming session with the Ghost train can easily lead to carpal tunnel and for that she gets a 5 outta 10 for leaf to bud ratio. Once trimmed back the buds are fluffy and have the signature sativa look. But are extremely sticky and so visibly resinous it has u licking your lips. Like frosty sativa spires its really quite lovely. But due to the lack of density and mass shes getting a 8 outta 10 for bag appeal. Now for smell and taste... it smells like putrid citrus! A dank that would have lightweights fearing its capability. Almost like as if u ate a bouquet of grapefruits, lemons, limes, tangerines oranges than puked it all out. Absoloutley Rancid just oozing its potency. Its flavour is a bouquet of sweet and sour citrus draws! Almost like it's super sweet on inhale and sour and tangy on exhale! Amazing complexity that really develops in your mouth. I believe I've tasted every kind of citrus u can think of in one draw or another. Just out of this world terpes and just something I've never had before or even similar... and for that she gets a 10 outta 10 for flavour and aroma. Keep this one simple 22 grams of sugar leaves to only 15 grams of bud and 15 weeks of grow time.She ain't a big yielder that's for sure. 5 outta 10 for yield. And now for the main squeeze the buzz. Upon my first three tokes of the ghost train I was already Bruce Lee cross kicked with euphoria. You know when u RIP a large dab and u get the sweats! No kidding I got that in 3. I was On cloud nine flying on a 100% sativa head high after my next rotation. Truely invigorating and energetic high. All mental and cerebral. Allowing u to focus right in on a task and literally zone right out into an activity. Felt like I had the patience and energy to take my 2 toddlers to the grocery store... like I said I thought lmfao. But u get the sence of extreme focus and patience. Amazing all day smoke puff puff get shit done! For that if I could shed be off the scale but unfortunately she get her 10 outta 10 for her buzz! POWERHOUSE SATIVA 🔥💣💥 In the end I was shooting for a ounce outta this late sativa in a 1 gallon pot... and she fell quite shy at 15 grams. But the flowers we got are POTENT AF so I am quite happy. Wanted to give her a 7 for the fucking sugar leaf mass but the potency and flavor far make up for it so I will give her an all around 9 outta 10 and will be growing her again! Mabey we even might pop those 2 beans she carried! Will update with her extract from the sugar leaves! Until than Happy growing and stay lit fam! ***UPDATE So we ran our extractions and man this shit is a concentrate machine! It came out golden blonde with flavor outta this world! One tiny dab has u flying to the moon and back on a euphoria rocket engine called the ghost train! The potency and yield from her sugar leaves is superior to most runs I've done! The flavour is amazing ud swear we ran some of the highest quality buds to achieve this final product n many have already asked! Imma enjoy these dabs Making this harvest that much better! To me the dab weight is in there with my yield weight... but I've left it off the chart and kept the weight just the flower weight for now. Happy growing and stay lit fam.


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Master_weedacommentedweek 125 years ago
Nice 👍 May the force be with you Good luck for your grow 🌱
Master_weedacommented5 years ago
@@416fireman, with pleasure bro 👍 i love your grow
416firemancommented5 years ago
@Master_weeda,thx fam appreciate the support! Shes coming along great! Happy growing and stay lit fam!
Punchmancommentedweek 155 years ago
Well done! 👍🏽 Hope you enjoy! Keep growing strong! 💪🏾👊🏽💪🏾
416firemancommented5 years ago
@Punchman,thx brother some heavy hitting sativa! 🔥💣💥
Punchmancommentedweek 125 years ago
👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾Love the Frost! 😍
416firemancommented5 years ago
@Punchman,thx fam! Shes definitely a nice piece of eye candy!
GanjaFarmerGrowcommentedweek 45 years ago
Looking nice :) good luck :D
416firemancommented5 years ago
@GanjaFarmerGrow, Happy considering how late she hit outdoors! We shall see🔥🔥🔥
DRKnowonecommentedweek 153 years ago
How did you prevent white powdery molds?
the end.
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