Day 52: Light schedule 12/12, 200 ml water p per day, one-day bat guano the other day Epsom salt. Pre flowers can be seen a bit but it just started coming. She is Sativa so slower than the others. I retrained her tried to separate the side branches. I also removed bigger fan leaves and at the bottom part to have better air flowing and the light can go through more efficiently. All good so far. Day 54: She is so BEAUTIFUUUUUUL❤️
Day 55: She is slower due to Sativa dominance but pre-flower is coming. This is her time. She grows the most when she is flowering. day by day it gets taller. I am very very excited... I can not see many pre flowers mostly on the main stem like usually but she developed slower so it will come.
Day 56: I can see more side branches coming with pre-flowers.