Having a problem the leaves seem to be rusting out. I had a spider problem in week 5 and this plant was affected the most by the pesticide i used.
Make sure you only apply the pesticides during lights off.. if you were growing hydroponics, I'd suggest pressurized cold water spray for the mites, they fall off in the cold, and the pressure knocks the eggs off.. very in safe pesticide water is.. rusty leaves may be burn damage but it might be a pH issue as well as a calmag issue, need better pics to tell. Cheers
@Newfie420CB, i bought a fine of "15" on the Internet think it cost about 15 quid. 4 or 5 looked completely dead. They soon took care of all the flies and then vanished!?
@Newfie420CB, i bought a fine of "15" on the Internet think it cost about 15 quid. 4 or 5 looked completely dead. They soon took care of all the flies and then vanished!?