
Gorilla Glue Auto

5 years ago
Room Type
Grow medium
10 L
Pot Size
Grow Conditions
Week 2
24 hrs
Light Schedule
Day Air Temperature
8+ conditions after
Commented by
Memkasa Memkasa
5 years ago
Start of week 2 and all is going well, with a couple of minor hiccups. All of the plants have started showing their first true leaves, and 5 of the 6 have added a lot of height. I'm not sure why the 6th is such a runt - maybe a different phenome or maybe a slow starter and she'll explode later on and put the rest to shame. The plants are sprayed with a rainwaterrhizotonic mixture twice a day and seem pretty happy with life. First and most obvious hiccup is that the plants stretched more than I would have liked and I've had to stake them (apart from the runt) for some extra support. I've now increased all 3 lights to 100% (up from about 60%.) I would have preferred to ramp them up a bit more slowly, but they're the boss. The major problem for the week came after testing the watering system, turning it off, and coming back 4 hours later to find about 10cm of water at the bottom of the tent and my tank almost completely empty. Apparently I'd (unknowingly) hit some kind magic siphoning formula, and after pumping out about 40 litres from the flood tray, I've decided to switch to gravity fed watering, with a tap timer controlling everything. Manual spraying will continue at least halfway through week 2, before introducing the automated watering towards the end of the week.
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BongWatercommentedweek 15 years ago
Go Go Gorilla.. good luck , 👍
Fast_Budscommentedweek 15 years ago
Hey there! Glad to see you got a diary going, thanks so much for growing FastBuds 🙌🏼 If you need any assistance, don't hesitate to let us know! Happy Growing! 💚🌱
Bashgrowsitall1989commentedweek 35 years ago
Good luck on you're grow, you're plants look great! I love GG - hopefully you get some solid nice nugs! How far away is you're LED from the plants? Min of 12 inch and up to 18 inches away is optimal otherwise you chance light stress - one of mine has gone through this exact process. I thought it was a nitrogen deficiency which I then tried too fix, causing it too be over watered and stunting some growth. All part of the tinkering process.
Bashgrowsitall1989commented5 years ago
@Memkasa, That's literally what I'm trying too work out atm whether yellowing is from over watering or light stress, purely because coffee grounds hasnt changed the plant colour its stayed the same so my soil must still be nitrogen rich. Good luck working it out!
Memkasacommented5 years ago
@Bashgrowsitall1989, thanks mate. Lights are about 3 feet away at the moment - due to be dropped to about 18 inches in the next day or 2. I'm 96% sure the yellowing is from over watering. All the testing of my watering system has seen a lot more water go through than I would have liked - but yeah, it's all tinkering... and it's a lot of fun!
Master_weedacommentedweek 25 years ago
Good luck for your grow 🌱
Master_weedacommentedweek 25 years ago
May the force be with you 💪