First one planted and popped16 days since popping out of soil. I noticed tho this one seems to be either affected by the soil being too hot or when it first popped it still had shell on it and i had to literally use a tooth pick to help it open and a a result the first leaves deformed? Idk?
Second one planted 14 days old today
Second one again 14 days old
First one planted and popped16 days since popping out of soil. I noticed tho this one seems to be either affected by the soil being too hot or when it first popped it still had shell on it and i had to literally use a tooth pick to help it open and a a result the first leaves deformed? Idk?
Havent started any nutes yet due to being in a 50 /50 mix happy frog and ocean forest...once i do im comparing dutch pro to ghe lucas flora micro bloom. Adding ferocious jungle control to only one plant as well. Still trying to decide if i want to add terpinator as well??? Once I start adding nutrients I will add milliliter per gallon and all the details
It appears to me that the lights are to near on the Girls, they grow very dense with a small internodial distance. Pls watch it and if its right raise the lights alittle more, to make them stretch. Because you need a stem to practise LST....If they have stretched you may begin with LST very soft and slowly until second week of flower.
Defoilation on automatics: iam no fan of defoilation.... and on automatics .. so just tuck away disturbing fanleaves, clean up the under 30 percent of the branches if shes in second week of flower... more is not to do. because the plant ties to reproduce, everything you take away. And the lifetime of an autoflower is limited to do that.. so let her energy flow into the flowers. For mre just look into my diaries( cookies for me" ) or for further questions just ask me