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Aurora Borealis #1

5 years ago
Fission 300W Light Emitting Diodes/1000W
Fission 300W Light Emitting Diodes/1000W
Room Type
weeks 5
weeks 5
weeks 5-13
Grow medium
11 L
Pot Size
Week 1. Vegetation
5 years ago
5.08 cm
18 hrs
27 °C
75 %
23 °C
11 L
0 L
91.44 cm
Day 0 - Germinated this girl on 1 October and taproot is out today and placed in jiffy pellet. Day 1 will start when the first set of true leaves show. Day .5 - Nothing much new but she did pop through the soil and gave her a little spritz of water this evening. Day 1 - Officially day 1 today and looking nice and green. Gave her a little spritz of water and will place her in a 3 gallon fabric pot and will put her into the tent tomorrow. Day 2 - Went ahead and transplanted her into a 3 gallon fabric pot and placed a glass over her to keep the humidity up. Gave the soil a very light spritz of water. Day 3 - Nothing too much going on right now, still keeping the humidity up for this girl and she seems to be doing fine. Gave her and the soil a light spritz of water and put the glass back over top of her. Day 4 - So far so good with the girl, she’s just doing her root work right now. Gave her a little mist of water today and still have the glass over her for higher humidity. Day 5 - Day 4 - Nothing major happening right now, still doing her root work. Still keeping the glass over to keep the humidity up a bit. Gave her another light spritz if water today. Day 6 - She’s really starting to take off already and looking really good. Gave her a bit of water today and removed the glass to give her a bit more airflow. Day 7 - The end of week 1 and she’s doing pretty decent so far. Gave her a very light spray of water today and keep at that until she starts telling me she needs more.
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Week 2. Vegetation
5 years ago
7.37 cm
18 hrs
25 °C
60 %
20 °C
11 L
1 L
60.96 cm
Day 8 - Starting week 2 and all is good so far. Readjusted the fan for a bit better airflow so it seems to help the soil dry out a bit quicker so gave her a bit of water today. Day 9 - She seems to be doing pretty good so far and haven’t really don’t much with her. She still is doing her root work so just letting her go for now. Day 10 - She’s looking good so far and no real updates other than I gave her a bit of water today. Day 11 - She seems like she’s starting to take off a bit and she looks pretty healthy so far. Gave her a bit of water cause she was starting to dry out a bit already. Day 12 - She’s looking good, gave her a healthy drink of water today to try and get down to the roots and have the roots stretch out and around more. Will probably give her about 10 more days and start some LST with her. Day 13 - All is looking good and she growing pretty well. Gonna give her a little more time still before starting some LST. Day 14 - The end of week 2 and so far so good. She’s chugging along and one leave has got yellowing down half the leaf but nothing else seems bothered so I’ll just keep an eye on her for now.
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Week 3. Vegetation
5 years ago
10.16 cm
18 hrs
25 °C
60 %
20 °C
11 L
1 L
60.96 cm
Day 15 - Starting week 3 and she’s looking good so far. She’s got one leaf that has a yellow stripe going down one side but other than that, the rest of her looks good. Will be starting LST soon. Day 16 - Going good today, she’s still chugging along and just waiting for the right time to start some LST. Want her to get a little taller before starting but we’ll see how things go. Gave her a bit of water today, the soil was pretty dry! Day 17 - Looks good and growing nicely. Probably start some LST in the next couple of days, we’ll see how she responds but haven’t had any issues with any other so not anticipating any with this girl. Day 18 - Went ahead and started some light LST today. She’s was looking like she was ready so just have the main stem tied down and bit so should hopefully get the lower chutes started. Will probably give her some fresh water tomorrow. Day 19 - She’s doing good from starting LST yesterday. Gonna give her a few days to stretch some before continuing. Getting a new COB light tomorrow and interested to see how she’s gonna like it. She needed some water so gave her a bit today. Day 20 - I think I gave her a bit to much water yesterday because she’s a bit droopy today so gonna let her dry out a bit. I went ahead and topped this girl to see how she does and will continue some LST after she grows and stretches a bit. Got the new AGLEX COB LED hooked up so I’m hoping it does her good. Day 21 - The end of week 3 and she’s seems to be living the new light. She’s completely perked up and recovering nicely from topping her. Will give her some more water on Sunday.
Week 4. Vegetation
5 years ago
11.43 cm
18 hrs
25 °C
60 %
22 °C
11 L
1 L
93.98 cm
Day 22 - Starting week 4 and tied her back down today and removed one fan leave to get good light to the lower branches that are starting to stretch now. From the looks of her, she should have a good about if branches for bud development. She was pretty dry so I gave her some fresh water today. Day 23 - Some of the fan leaves were getting pretty big and blocking quite a bit of light so went ahead and removed them and started tying down some of the other branches to get her stretched out evenly. Day 24 - Had to remove one more fan leaf to try and open her up and we’ll see how she does. Looks like things are starting to grow from where she was topped. Gave her a good drink of water till runoff today. Thinking I haven’t been watering enough and the roots are just hanging in the top half of the pot so wanted a full watering to try and get them to stretch down more. Day 26 - Nothing major going on but did a little defoliation to unblock the branches that are tied down. She’s doing good and nice growth going from where she was topped. Still tying down more branches where I feel she needs it. Will give her some nutes on the next watering. Day 27 - Closing in on the end of week 4 and not seeing any pistils showing yet but looks pretty good overall. She is a little light in color so next watering she will be getting some veg nutes to up her nitrogen and hopefully help her out. I didn’t notice till today that I didn’t have the tent all the way zipped and caught a couple spider crickets in there and thinking they started eating a leaf of two so got rid of them and made sure everything is sealed up. Day 28 - It’s the end of week 4 and she’s coming along nicely. Nothing really major going on so will be giving her the first feeding of veg nutes once she’s completely dried out.
Week 5. Vegetation
5 years ago
17.53 cm
18 hrs
25 °C
53 %
22 °C
11 L
2 L
93.98 cm
Nutrients 2
Big Bloom - Fox Farm
Big Bloom 7.925 mll
Grow Big - Fox Farm
Grow Big 7.925 mll
Day 29 - Starting week 5 and she’s looking good today. She’s a pretty bushy plant so will probably do a little defoliating before she starts to flower. Will be giving her some nutes her next watering. Day 30 - Did a little defoliating today since she was pretty bushy and tied down 3 or 4 more branches and she’s really opened up now. Also gave her the first feeding of nutes today and will continue giving her week 4 nutes according to foxfarm’s chart until she starts flowering. No sign of any pistils right now but hopefully this week. Day 31 - All looking good still and did a little more tying down but gonna let her go for a bit now to try and get some more vertical growth. Doing good with the feeding from yesterday. Day 32 - Just like my Blue Dream, this girl is starting to shape up nicely and starting to get some vertical growth. She also stretched 3/4 of an inch in the last 24 hours. Will let her stretch out a bit more before continuing LST. Will give her some fresh water in the next couple of days. Day 33 - Overall she’s looking ok and still stretching a bit. Went ahead and tied her down some more and since she doesn’t look like she’s even close to flowering yet, I decided I will mess with her a bit and some of 3 of the branches I tied down, I went ahead and topped those as well and we’ll see how and what she does. Day 34 - All looking good and no signs of pistils yet but hopefully she’ll show soon. Gave her another feeding of veg nutes today as she’s looking slightly pale in areas. Day 35 - The end of week 5 and she looks great. No pistils showing and she still growing. Other than that, not much else going on, just waiting for her to start flowering.
Used techniques
Week 6. Vegetation
5 years ago
25.91 cm
18 hrs
25 °C
53 %
22 °C
11 L
2 L
93.98 cm
Day 36 - Starting week 6 and she’s finally starting to shown some pistils but not going to call this week a flowering week but she’s definitely in pre-flower now. She’s almost ready for some water so will give her some tomorrow. Day 37 - Nothing much new today, she was pretty dry so gave her about a half gallon of water. She’s finally starting to show sex and some pistils so hopefully soon, she’ll be in full flower. Day 38 - No much happening right now, she’s still doing some stretching and noticed a few more pistils. Did a bit of leaf tucking to keep her opened up. Day 39 - She’s finally starting to throw some pistils, not a ton but she’s starting to show and just like my Blue Dream’matic, she’s really starting to drink some water so will give her a feeding of veg nutes tomorrow. The main branch is really stretching and was hoping the rest would catch up but they’re not so I might just have to let her go since I’ve got no place to really tie her down. Day 40 - Still not quite into flower yet but she’s getting close. Gave her about a gallon of fresh water and cal-mag today. Tucked a few leaves again to try and keep her opened up and next feeding I will give her another dose of veg nutes and hopefully on to bloom nutes after that. Day 42 - Ending week 6 and not really any issues this week. She’s finally starting to flower but she’s definitely not as big as my Blue Dream that’s going but should still end up with a decent yield when all is said and done. I’m gonna give her another day and will give her a feeding of bloom nutes.
Used techniques
Week 7. Flowering
5 years ago
34.04 cm
18 hrs
24 °C
32 %
23 °C
11 L
2 L
81.28 cm
Nutrients 4
Big Bloom - Fox Farm
Big Bloom 7.925 mll
Grow Big - Fox Farm
Grow Big 5.283 mll
Tiger Bloom - Fox Farm
Tiger Bloom 5.283 mll
Day 43 - Starting week 7 and she’s looking a bit droopy. She was pretty dry so I gave her the first feeding of bloom nutes and hopefully she’ll perk back up. Day 44 - She’s doing good after a feeding of bloom nutes yesterday but the pot is already getting pretty light so will give her some fresh pH’d water and cal-mag in the next couple of days. Day 45 - She’s doing well and is also definitely in her stretch stage and I gotta see what I can do to stop the main cola from getting to crazy and help the rest catch up. Will be giving her some water tomorrow and will decide on what I can do. Day 47 - Ok girl is wilting pretty bad today but it’s looking like I let her get to dry and she was thirsty. Gave her a full gallon of pH’d (6.4) water today so I’m sure she’ll perk back up after a bit. Went ahead and removed a couple lower fan leaves that were shriveled and yellow. Day 49 - Ending week 7 and she’s starting to bud up nicely. Will be giving her a feeding of nutes tomorrow and also removed a few fan leaves and tucked a few tonight as well.
Used techniques
Week 8. Flowering
5 years ago
38.1 cm
18 hrs
24 °C
40 %
23 °C
11 L
2 L
81.28 cm
Nutrients 4
Big Bloom - Fox Farm
Big Bloom 7.925 mll
Grow Big - Fox Farm
Grow Big 5.283 mll
Tiger Bloom - Fox Farm
Tiger Bloom 5.283 mll
Day 51 - Week 8 started and it’s looking like I really need to stay on top of watering her. If she doesn’t get water every 2 days, she seems to get severely dehydrated and droopy. Within an hour of watering she perks right up. Went ahead and gave her a feeding of nutes and tucked some leaves as best I can. Day 52 - She’s perked back up again and looking normal. Did some defoliating to get more light to the bud sites and also tucked a few leaves to avoid over stressing her from plucking leaves. From the way she’s been acting, I will be giving her a gallon of water every 3 days to keep her from drying out and drooping. Day 53 - Did a little more leaf removal and tucking today to try and keep her opened up. She’s starting to fill in a bit more and will be giving her some water today to make sure she doesn’t dry out too much like the last couple times. Day 55 - All looking good and she’s dried up a bit but gave her a gallon of water today. Didn’t do any defoliating today, just watered her and tucked some leaves. The wife will be taking care of my girls while I’m out of town for a week so hopefully they survive till I get back.
Used techniques
Week 9. Flowering
5 years ago
42.93 cm
18 hrs
24 °C
40 %
23 °C
11 L
2 L
81.28 cm
Nutrients 4
Big Bloom - Fox Farm
Big Bloom 7.925 mll
Grow Big - Fox Farm
Grow Big 5.283 mll
Tiger Bloom - Fox Farm
Tiger Bloom 5.283 mll
Day 62 - Into week 9 and back from my little vacation and the wife did good with the girls while I was gone. The girls didn’t need water today but when she dries out, I will be giving her a feeding of nutes. I did a bit of defoliating today and some more leaf tucking. She’s grew up a ton since I left and the buds are looking gorgeous. She’s definitely putting out an awesome smell right now. Day 63 - The end of week 9 and she’s coming along nicely. Just took her out to make sure she was good on water and to tuck some leaves again. She’ll be getting a feeding of nutes tomorrow.
Used techniques
Week 10. Flowering
5 years ago
44.96 cm
18 hrs
24 °C
40 %
23 °C
11 L
2 L
50.8 cm
Nutrients 3
Big Bloom - Fox Farm
Big Bloom 3.963 mll
Tiger Bloom - Fox Farm
Tiger Bloom 2.642 mll
Cal-Mag Plus  - Botanicare
Cal-Mag Plus 1.849 mll
Day 64 - Starting week 10 and gave her a feeding of FoxFarm’s trio until runoff to check the pH. Water going in was 6.7 and runoff tested at 6.5 so all seems good. Tucked some more leaves today, seems to be helping when I do it. She’s starting to fill in nicely. Day 65 - Did quite a bit of leaf tucking again today and also removed a couple really yellow and dead leaves from the lower part of the girl. She should be good on water for a couple days but with this girl, the slightest bit of being too dry, she completely wilts so I try to make sure she’s watered before she gets to that point. Day 66 - All going good and she’s filling in nicely. Took her out of the tent to check the soil and removed a couple dead leaves. Should be ready for some water tomorrow so put her back and tucked a few leaves to keep her opened up as much as possible. Day 67 - She’s still moving along and starting to have a nice sweet smell coming from her. Not overly strong smell but enough. Held off one more day and will give her a drink of water tomorrow. Day 68 - I gave the girl about a gallon of water today and checked the runoff and it checked out at 6.8 but not sure how accurate it is and will recheck everything when the new solution comes in. Day 69 - Nothing new to report today, she’s good on water and should have the new pH solution tomorrow so I can make sure my pen is calibrated and reading properly. Did a little defoliating as well.
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Used techniques
Week 11. Flowering
5 years ago
44.96 cm
18 hrs
24 °C
40 %
21 °C
11 L
2 L
50.8 cm
Nutrients 3
Grow Big - Fox Farm
Grow Big 3.963 mll
Tiger Bloom - Fox Farm
Tiger Bloom 1.321 mll
Cal-Mag Plus  - Botanicare
Cal-Mag Plus 1.321 mll
Day 71 - Starting week 11 and she’s really starting to fill in quite nicely. Did a little bit more of leaf tucking and will be giving her a feed of nutes in the next day or two. She’s got a really sweet smell to her right now. Day 72 - All looking good and not much new today. I did give her a feeding of nutes today and checked the runoff again and a tiny bit higher than I’d like, sitting at 7.1. Other than that, just removed a few leaves and tucked the rest. Day 73 - Noticed a couple leaves that have a couple “rust” spots on them so gonna try and get that fixed. Other than that she’s progressing nicely and will probably end op giving her some more water in 2 days. Day 74 - Nothing new happening right now. I’m just letting her do her thing and feeding her when she calls for it. I did rearrange her in the tent a little bit but that’s about it for today. Day 75 - The girl is still fattening up nicely but other than that, there’s not much else happening today. She’ll be ready for some water tomorrow. Day 76 - Gave the girl a heavy watering of plain water today and the PPM is at 223 right now so next watering will definitely be a feeding of nutes. She’s has quite some time left before harvest so not wanting to cut the nutrients yet.
Used techniques
Week 12. Flowering
5 years ago
44.96 cm
18 hrs
26 °C
40 %
21 °C
11 L
2 L
50.8 cm
Nutrients 1
Cal-Mag Plus  - Botanicare
Cal-Mag Plus 1.321 mll
Day 78 - Starting week 12 and she’s still chugging along and filling in and fattening up nicely. She’ll need some water and nutes in the next day or so. Day 79 - Still moving along nicely. Did a little defoliating today and will do a heavier one in another week or so. She probably is down to a couple weeks left, some of the pistils are starting to shrivel a bit but overall, still alive and well. Still have a couple days before she’s ready for some water. Day 80 - She’s looking good and fat and hell. She’s starting to get pretty damn heavy so looking at a pretty decent harvest. She wasn’t quite ready for water but should be ready tomorrow. Day 81 - Nothing new to speak of today, she was getting dry but not quite ready for some water but will definitely be giving her a feeding tomorrow. Pistils are slowly starting to shrivel up and turn reddish brown so starting to count the days down to chop. I’m thinking about 2 more weeks or so. Day 82 - The girl was majorly droopy today and was definitely ready for some water. I gave her a gallon of water with her last feeding of bloom nutes. I’ll flush her with some sledgehammer when she’s dried up again and just give her water until it’s time to harvest. Day 84 - She’s getting close to getting the chop. Leaves are starting to fade and pistils are starting to shrivel up. Still has quite a bit of white pistils but she’s on the downside, 2 weeks top left. Will be giving her a flush tomorrow and let her go till the end.
Used techniques
Week 13. Flowering
5 years ago
44.96 cm
18 hrs
26 °C
40 %
21 °C
11 L
2 L
50.8 cm
Nutrients 1
Bush Doctor Sledgehammer - Fox Farm
Bush Doctor Sledgehammer 2.642 mll
Day 85 - Starting week 13 and gave her a flush today with a gallon of water and foxfarm’s sledgehammer. I’m not sure if she’ll make it another two weeks, leaves are really starting to fade and show deficiencies now but I’m gonna let her go and hopefully she’ll fatten up a bit more before chopping. Day 86 - She’s fading pretty quick but going to try and give her until the weekend before chopping. Might do it sooner depending on the trichs. Day 87 - She’s just about ready so gave her a big defoliation this evening to get as much light to her for the last day or two before chopping. She’s got a few green leaves left but for the most part they’re all dying off. The trichs were pretty close to 40% amber so I’ll probably chop either tomorrow evening or New Year’s Day. Day 88 - She’ll be getting chopped tomorrow. She fattened you quite a bit overnight so she’ll be ready tomorrow. I don’t want to push it and get more than the 40% amber.
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Used techniques
Week 13. Harvest
5 years ago
Happy Harvest Day!
Can’t give any updates on the smoke yet but will update once dried and cured.
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Spent 92 days
Ger Veg Flo Har
254 g
Bud wet weight per plant
Grow Room size

Day air temperature
Air humidity
Light schedule
Night air temperature
Pot size
Lamp distance
The grow was super easy and she took care of herself for the most. Was able to take nutrients and full strength and probably could of taken a little more but didn’t want to push it. Had no issues with the LST and she took to it really well. Using this website is always handy and super easy and love being able to look back over things and compare how gross went. Just wish there was an app for iPhones.


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Mr_Weeds_Autoscommentedweek 135 years ago
Looking good 👍👍👍
the end.
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Aurora Borealis #1Aurora Borealis #1
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