Since my last post just over a week ago, I have planted the germinated seeds in soil, and they have popped up showing they first couple sets of leaves. Nothing too crazy yet, but I would say so far so good. I have heard that sometimes Fox Farms Ocean Forest can be a little intense for seedlings nutrient wise, and I may be seeing why. You can notice in one of the photos it looks like there's a little burn or something going on. It's really only with 1 seedling in particular, and not even that bad, but you can tell there's some discoloration, I'll keep an eye on it. They won't receive any actual nutrients for another couple weeks.
I planted 2x seeds of 4 different strains. Decided to plant 1 of each strain straight into their final 3gal home, and the other seeds into solo cups which I will transplant in the coming weeks. I would say when it comes to autos, most things I read say not to transplant, but I still see a few people saying not only is it ok, but it will actually help. So little bit of an experiment going on, we'll see what happens!
I have these in a 4x8 tent, but since they're small and not taking up much space I just have them on one half and under just 1 of the 2 1000W LED lights. Will expand out and utilize the additional space and light once I transplant the solo cup seedlings and they begin to grow more.
I'm not really watering them right now, just spraying them with PH'ed water in the mid 6's with a spray bottle. I should probably give an actual watering in the next couple days once they're a little bigger.
@MicrowGrow420, Awesome, thanks. I'll post some more pics/updates in a few days for week 2. They are just starting to pop out of the soil at this point.