Welp was out of town for 5 days and things got a bit crispy. I had a friend water half way through but just bad timing as the plants are really drinking it up. Watering 10 gallons every 2-3 days, some pots are smalller and dry out faster. Doesn't help that the week I was gone they decided to increase their uptake. Upped the feeding ppm to 750.
@BigDaddyK, haven't watered em in over a week. Some of these seedlings looked like that even when the peat pots were bone dry, Since moving back to the led strip lights they have noticeably greened up.
I'll be using the fox farm trio when they show they need it. I'm using Fox Farm Ocean Forest cut with a bit of #4 pearlite, probably won't need nutrients till week 4 or 5.