Ciao a tutti.
Iniziamo la settimana 3 e sembra tutto ok.
Alla prossima irrigazione inizio a dargli un po' di Bio Grow e smetto con il root booster.
Se avete consigli commentate :)
Oggi ho innaffiato con 2 litri di acqua (500ml per pianta) diluita con 2ml di Organic Grow e 0.2ml di Silic Boost.
Ho innaffiato con 4 litri di acqua diluita con 8ml di Organic Grow e 0,4 ml di Silic Boost. Ph 6.3 - Ec 660 ppm.
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Hello to all.
We start week 3 and everything seems ok.
At the next irrigation I start to give him some Bio Grow and I'll stop with the root booster.
If you have commented tips :)
Today I watered it with 2 liters of water (500ml per plant) diluted with 2ml of Organic Grow and 0.2ml of Silic Boost. Ph 6.6 - EC 750 PPm
I watered with 4 liters of water diluted with 8ml of Organic Grow and 0.4ml of Silic Boost. Ph 6.3 - Ec 660 ppm.
@GanjaSmoker88, A dark green of the leaves may indicate an excess of nitrogen.
An excess of nitrogen affects the final taste. For this reason in flowering, fertilizers with nitrogen are rarely used. 😉
Sweet smokes!
Flush coming along nicely!
I got a few in W10 too but definitely not as big as yours so I'll have to wait a few more weeks to start my flush 😢
Good luck!🙌