The Grow Awards 2025 🏆

Colorful NuggetZ of Zkittlez FastBuds420

5 years ago
T5 Fluorescent/324W
Hortilux High-Intensity Discharge/600W
Room Type
weeks 1-3, 5-10
weeks 9-10
Grow medium
19 L
Pot Size
Week 1. Vegetation
5 years ago
24 hrs
25 °C
No Smell
40 %
20 °C
21 °C
19 L
0 L
45.72 cm
Nov. 5, 2019.. Just planted germinated seeds into 5gal. fabric pots into organic soil mixture of... Equal Parts Of... PeetMoss/Coco Worm Castings Perlite Then added... 1 Bag Water Only Soil Mix Azomite Dolomite Lime 1/4 cup FoxFarm Seed Starter 1/2 cup Kelp Meal Nov 6, 2019 Germinated seeds just popped through the soil. Nov 9, 2019 Seedlings are taking off. Probably almost 2 inches now. New pics will be up this evening or early tomorrow. Put them on an 18/6 light cycle now. Added a space heater to the veg area. In monitoring the temp and humidity with my Govee while at work I notice the temp drops a little more than I like (low 70's lights off) once the light cycling started. Rotated pots a half turn just about every day as I noticed them leaning off to once direction. Watering as needed just around the seedling. The soil around the outer area of pots are gring a little dry. Contemplating giving the whole pot a complete watering. Nov 10, 2019 Noticed the seedlings are stretching a bit too much. I questioned myself several times as I watched them grow over the last 4 days... seeing this with other people's grows... reading forum responses..." you lights are too high". I was over cautious with this as my first grow experience. My son verified my thoughts so I lowered my lights to about 7 inches from the tops of the seedlings. I'm vegging under t5's. I'll give them a look tomorrow morning to make sure I'm not getting any leaf burn. Nov. 11, 2019 I was advised by a member over at Grasscity forums... thank you Organic Since... to mound up the soil around the stems to counter the stretch. I'll post after pics on the next weeks veg. calendar. Continuing to water and doing foliage spraying with straight water as needed.
Used techniques
Week 2. Vegetation
5 years ago
3.81 cm
18 hrs
27 °C
No Smell
40 %
20 °C
24 °C
19 L
0 L
17.78 cm
Nov. 12, 2019 Seedlings are looking great. I had a bit of stretch going on with all of them. I ended up lowering the light in stages.... starting from 18" to its current height of about 7" from top of leaves. I took some advise and mounded the soil up around the stems leaving about .5" of each stem exposed. I took pics of 3 of the 6 after mounding the soil. Nov. 16, 2014 After 4 days of having the lights lowered, we've noticed some weird leaf deformations. On three of the seedlings there is some sort of twisting of the leaves going on. After doing some Googling and forum reading I think it's either normal or from heat from the lights being too close. So the latest change is I've raised the lights back up to about 15". I'm going to leave them there and after five days see if there are any changes. I've added updated pics. Its kind of hard to see the leaf deformation in these pics. Nov. 19, 2019 Week 2 ended well. Seedlings have turned into little vegging plants. Decided to lower the lights back down to around 9 inches. Leaf temperatures are staying at acceptable temps leading me to believe the deforming leaves...I think it's a characteristic of the plants. The one thing I am trying to figure out is watering. I'm a newbie using a light soil in fabric pots. They dry out quick... not sure im giving them enough water. Also reading about the genetics of the plant and learning it likes to drink alot in is early stages....I started near the end of this week giving them 1 cup if water a around the base of the stem daily. I'll observe this for a few days and adjust the amount upward as needed.
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Used techniques
Week 3. Vegetation
5 years ago
5.08 cm
18 hrs
27 °C
40 %
20 °C
24 °C
19 L
1 L
17.78 cm
Nov 20, 2019 The plants are doing well. Gave them and the soil in the entire 5 gallon pots a good drenching with a compost tea, kelp, alfalfa, fish hydrysolate, and molasses blend. I'm also realizing I could be watering these girls a bit more. Being a newby I'm over cautious of over watering. But I'm finding the light airy soil mix I made combined with fabric pots.... the soil dries rather quickly. No signs of under watering, but I think I can water them more. This week I'll start watering a couple of cups daily and once a week give the whole pot a good drenching to keep the rest of the soil (where the plants haven't grown into yet) damp.✌️ Nov. 22, 2019 Well I think the girls are starting to give off a little accent. Opened the doors to the room and noticed a slight aroma of dank. Put my nose right up to the plant.... and yup, they starting to smell. Nov. 23, 2019 I started to LST Zkittlez #1 and #3 today. They were a bit taller than #2... Zkittlez 1&2 weren't in the same row. I have other strains along with these mixed together. Front row matured faster than the back. BACK TO ZKITTLEZ. I performed I think what you'd call traditional LST'ing. Bent the stem over to tre side of the pot. #3 took to it pretty well, no visual signs of stress. #1... well, I had to squeeze the stem to soften it so it would bend. The stem is now discolored a little and the growth is really behind compared to the other plants. Also I noticed the leaf edges are turning up a little.... the fingers of the fan leaves are turning up... look like teeth on a saw blade. You may be able to see this in the latest pics. #3 Who's stern I didn't need to squeeze and LST'd the same looks great Nov. 24, 2019 I LST'd #2 the next day, Sunday Nov. 24. I did a different technique with this one. I learned of it on GrassCity forums forums from avn autoflower grower Organic Since. I simply let the fan leaves grow where they naturally want to grow, use wire as a stake to hold the fan leaves down out of the way, then as the new bud sites get exposed I will stake those down to the fan leaves. I really like this way better than what I did to #1 & #3. Less disturbing and intrusive to the plant. And with autoflowers... keeping the stress down is a positive. Stay tuned. As these babies grow it will be interesting to see how the difference in LST'ing these effects the outcome.
Used techniques
Week 4. Vegetation
5 years ago
7.62 cm
20 hrs
27 °C
38 %
20 °C
24 °C
19 L
8 L
30.48 cm
Dec, 2, 2019 Week 4 has come to an end, week was Nov. 25 - Dec. 2, 2019 Watering stayed unchanged... 6-7 cups every other day. Top dressed all plants with Alaskan Humus on Friday Nov. 29 and had a major scare. After top dressing with approx. 2 cups Humus per plant I watered with my usual amount. Well the humus turned to mud and would not let the water soak in. I literally had puddles on the top of the soil in all my pots. Rookie mistake... Newbs please do not do what I did... totally made a mess of my top soil. I PANICKED!!! Walked away for about 1 hour and later checked in on the girls. The soil had dried enough so I could use my fingers to till up the top inch or so of the soil in all pots and work in the Humus. Next watering and everything had recovered and looking great Nov. 25- Dec.2 LST'd all 3 plants near the end of week 3. Continued into week 4 making the normal LST adjustments to maximize new site growth. A couple of important notes to track with my LST adventure is.... Zkittlez #1 and #3 were the method of bending the stem to the edge of the pot. Zkittlez #1 was the only plant I squeezed and pinched the stem before bending. This plant seems to have a bit of stunted growth compared to the others also noting the stem looks discolored and bruised, leaf growth and color looks normal . All plants looks healthy Zkittlez #2 was LST'd with a method I learned of by a member at GrassCity forums named Organic since... his method is less stressful I think. The leaves are staked down in their natural positions in a way that maximizes light to new growth sites without bending the main stem to the edge of the pot. Think of trying to make you pot plant look like a Christmas tree... tis the season. Keep up with the pics to see with method turns out better yields.
Week 5. Flowering
5 years ago
15.24 cm
18 hrs
26 °C
45 %
20 °C
24 °C
19 L
1 L
60.96 cm
Nutrients 1
Homemade Soil Mix LNatural 0.001 mll
Dec. 2 - Dec. 9, 2019 Week 5 has ended. I was pulled away for several days due to my work schedule. I was not able to keep up with recent pics and diary entries... I was barely able to keep up with the grow 😣. Due to my schedule I only performed routine watering until the near the end of the week. Dec. 7 Performed LST and defoliation to maximize light to new bud sites. Plants are looking good, no signs of pests or nutrition issues. ZKZ #1 is producing some decent bud sites but it doesn't look as full and others... this is the plant that I squeezed and rolled the stem before bending. Overall it looks healthy though. Dec. 8 Moved the plants into their new home... 4x8 tent with air cooled 600w HPS hood, tent is vented through carbon filter by a 6" variable speed can fan. I'm vent the tent into the room neat the ceiling and venting the light through ceiling rafter over a wall into the next room. My grow room is in a work shop in my finished basement next to an unfinished room where my furnace and water heater are. Top dressed all plants with 2 tbsp of a blend of Good Earth powdered amendments... kelp, crab, alfalfa, neem, azominte, fox farm jump start. It's winter time here in the mid west and I'm finding this is working very well controlling the tent environment. I am able to control the tent temps and humidity by varying the speed of the tent's exhaust fan.
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Used techniques
Week 6. Flowering
5 years ago
30.48 cm
18 hrs
26 °C
45 %
20 °C
24 °C
19 L
2 L
60.96 cm
Nutrients 1
Homemade Soil Mix LNatural 0.001 mll
Week 6 Dec. 9 - Dec. 15, 2019 Dec. 11, 2019 They were moved into the tent late in week 5. They took a couple of days to get back to normal... had some drooping leaves for a couple of days... ended up raising the light to 24", it started out at 18". Continued to LST and some defoliating. Late last week I broke the main stem of ZK #3 attempting to train it toward the edge of the pot. It was hanging by a thread... freaked the hell out, grabbed the closest tape to me, you'll see that in the pic lol. It was a metal tape for duct work hehe. Noticing as the babys get further into flower they are getting THIRSTY, I'm up to watering them about .5 gallon a day. You'll see in the pics I LST'd 2 plants the same and one differently. Regarding this strain I'm not sure what method a working better.
Used techniques
Week 7. Flowering
5 years ago
30.48 cm
18 hrs
26 °C
45 %
20 °C
24 °C
19 L
2 L
60.96 cm
Nutrients 1
Homemade Soil Mix LNatural 0.001 mll
Week 7 Dec. 16 - 27, 2019 Dec 17, All the plants are starting to show some frost. ZKZ # 1, whose stem I squeezed and twisted to LST for bending to the side of the pot, has definitely turned into the runt of the pack. I think it's from that. If I grow this strain again I will do that again ZKZ #3, whose main stem I accidentally broke while doing some LST didn't miss a beat. ZKZ #1 is the only one of the three that I didn't bend over to the side. It along with the other two different strains which are trained the same way experienced some light stress from the HPS light being to low. I noticed this mid way through week 6. After adjustments the lights are currently at 30" for three three plants growing straight up. The other plants trained to the side, light distance is at 24". Even though I'm growing in organic soil I still found I'm also having water ph problems. My well water ph was high enough that my soil wasn't able to buffer it. Im getting my water through a basic filter BEFORE my water no softened water... but my ph was coming in at 8. I think that's too high and I think some of the plants were showing that. I am treating my water with lemon juice concentrate at 1.5 tbsp/ gallon of water. This put my water ph at 6.8. I see how things look as the week progresses. Enjoy the pics.
Used techniques
Week 8. Flowering
5 years ago
30.48 cm
18 hrs
26 °C
45 %
20 °C
24 °C
19 L
2 L
60.96 cm
Nutrients 1
Homemade Soil Mix LNatural 0.001 mll
Week 8 Dec. 17 - Dec. 23, 2019. Dec. 25, 2019 Week 7 has ended, week 8 has started. Catching up a little late due to the Holiday. Merry Christmas to all my grow diary friends. Nothing has really change much during week 7. Top dressed all the plants with 2tsp of Roots organic Uprising Bloom at the start of week 7 and watered in with molasses. All the plants are frosting up really nice and the buds look to be thinking up nicely. ZKZ #1 & #3 didn't fill out as much ad I'd hoped with the style of training I did. They didn't produce as many bud sites as I was expecting. I did not top them, maybe this is why, just bent them to the side and kept training from there.
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Used techniques
Week 9. Flowering
5 years ago
30.48 cm
18 hrs
26 °C
45 %
20 °C
24 °C
19 L
2 L
60.96 cm
Nutrients 1
Homemade Soil Mix LNatural 0.001 mll
Week 9 Dec. 29 - Jan. 5 Jan. 1, 2020 Week 8 is in the books. Nothing changed, kept with every other day watering schedule. Watered at the beginning of week 8 with a table spoon of molasses per gallon of water. Each plant is taking about 10 cups of water. The plants are definitely loading up with tricomes and the smell is getting stronger. I would try to explain the scent but I have a poor sense of smell along with a hell of a cold this week. They will be ready for harvest with the next week I believe. After looking at other diaries and journals of other growers growing this breed of Zkiitlez, the one thing that stands out are my three plants did not get as tall as others'. I believe I made a new grower mistake and kept my lights a bit too low to the plants. This kept them from stretching out a bit prior to their transition into flower. If I do grow these again I'll keep my lights higher from the cannopy.
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Used techniques
Week 10. Flowering
5 years ago
30.48 cm
18 hrs
26 °C
45 %
20 °C
24 °C
19 L
2 L
60.96 cm
Nutrients 1
Homemade Soil Mix LNatural 0.001 mll
Week 10 Jan. 6 - Jan.13, 2019 Jan. 8, 2019 Week 9 has ended. Zkittlez plants are looking good. Closer to being ready for harvest. Tricomes are clear to cloudy. So I'm thinking around thr end of week 10. Nothing has changed. Standard waterings every other day.
Used techniques
Week 11. Harvest
5 years ago
Happy Harvest Day!
The buds are currently drying, then I'm going to cure them for about a week or two. I'm dealing with lower humidity and temps than I'd like, but I'm doing my best to keep them as close top optimal conditions. My current readings are 60.3% humidity and 67.8° F. I will report with an edit to this diary regarding smell, taste, and effects. Edit: Smell, taste, effects. I'm not good at describing smells my nose isn't that sensitive. But here it goes... Zkittlez has a mellow smell... it didn't punch me in the face when I opened the curing jars. It smelled to me like orange, citrus sherbet with a little hoppy IPA beer aroma. Taste was good and mellow, kind of sweet. Effects were and energetic high... like I have to get some shit done high. This effect from what I researched comes with harvesting early before you see amber trichomes, which is what I did.
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Spent 71 days
Ger Veg Flo Har
108.67 g
Bud wet weight per plant
23.62 g
Bud dry weight per plant
Grow Room size
Positive effects
Creative, Energetic, Happy
Positive effects
Negative effects
Dry mouth
Negative effects
Berries, Fruity, Sweet

Day air temperature
Air humidity
Light schedule
Night air temperature
Substrate temperature
Pot size
Lamp distance
I enjoyed growing these. They didn't get as tall as I'd liked but that was my fault, I kept my lights too close during the early stages of the grow. I learned that these auto flowers don't not need to be LST'd. My Zkittlez #1 I over stressed and it yielded out only half of what the other plants did. Of the other two was LST'd and the other was left to grow more naturally with very little training. They both yielded within 1 tenth of an ounce of each other.


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WeedWackercommentedweek 15 years ago
I'm currently keeping another diary here... link below.. with Zkittkez and another auto by FastBuds 420. I've decided to keep separate dairies of each strain so I can focus and share the details of each strain independently. I'll still update the original grow diary with both stains along with updating two strain specific diaries.
Fast_Budscommentedweek 115 years ago
Hey there, Well done on your grow. We hope you have enjoyed growing our Zkittlez Auto !! Keep up the good work! Happy harvest!!!🌾
WeedWackercommented5 years ago
@Fast_Buds, I did enjoy growing Fast Buds Zkittkez. Very good genetics.
kokkin666commentedweek 65 years ago
Yo, Je vois que je suis pas le seul de cannaweed à être aussi ici ✌️ Bonne chance dans ta culture je te suis sur les deux forum du coup 👌 Peace
WeedWackercommented5 years ago
@kokkin666, Thanks for checking out my grow diary and for the positive vibes. I'll check yours out as well.
GrowsGanjaGuycommentedweek 35 years ago
Looks like a great start man keep up the good work.
WeedWackercommented5 years ago
@GrowsGanjaGuy, thank you for thre positive karma✌️👌
raptor65commentedweek 35 years ago
Coming along just great mate 👍, have fun and all the best with your grow👌👊
WeedWackercommented5 years ago
@raptor65, thank you 🌱
Fast_Budscommentedweek 35 years ago
Best of luck with your Zkittlez Auto 🙌🏼 Let us know if you need any assistance Happy Growing! 💚🌱
HydroGrowLEDcommentedweek 15 years ago
Zittkes is a brilliant strain bro I wish you happy harvest 💪🌱😜
HydroGrowLEDcommented5 years ago
@WeedWacker, good luck bro is an awesome and easy strain to grow 😜🌱
WeedWackercommented5 years ago
Thank you @HydroGrowLED, I'm super excited. This is my first time growing anything lol.!!!
the end.
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