(12/2: Update:) We are into Seedling/Veg: Week 3 already! Today it appears the the fungus gnats are on the fast decline. I treated the soil as well the cloth pot as well as misted RTU Trifecta into the fan stream; allowing it to settle onto all spaces including the delicate Bella.
Happy to report that after removing old yellow sticky traps and replacing with new, there has not been one gnat in the past 3 hours. There is no damage to the little plant and I consider this early success; avoiding a bigger infestation~
I began LST today with gently "pulling" her branches in hopes of stimulating bushier/low growth. Also used a wooden skewer to aerate the soil. She looks healthy and happy today!
(12/3: Update:) I have continued to withhold water until the pot is light and dry; thus removing the "home" for fungus gnats. I am finding success so far!
I have also gently "staked" her for support and as she is into her 3rd week and showing 3 nodes I have decided to do her first FIMing. I have added photos. I hope her youthful age and health will allow her to recover quickly. So far, so good.
(12/4) Starting last night she started to recover. This morning she looks fantastic! I hope she continues. Still monitoring for gnats. 2 overnight. I will treat tomorrow after she recovers another day post FIM. Peace
(12/4) Decided to spray the soil with RTU Trifecta. There were some gnats and I did not want to wait. I think she will be fine. I will update tomorrow!
(12/4) Decided to spray one round of RTU again. WIll check in a.m.
(12/5) Gave a pretty good deep watering at her base. RTU mist seems to have helped. I chose to top dress with diatomaceous earth for added prevention of gnats. Due to RTU spray and the assault to the soil, the clover appears to have stunted. If needed in a week, I will reseed.
She looks pretty dang good today. Very little sign of stress. Took out from under grow light to check her color and leaves. No problems and good strong leaves fanning out. :)
(12/6) Loaded up a few pics for Week 3 Day 6. She looks great! There we zero gnats on yellow stick flag overnight. That is success! I will keep an eye out.
She isn't getting tall very quickly, however, she is getting wider, little by little. Growth is slower than I anticipated, however, she is growing and there are no signs on her leaves or stem that she isn't getting what she needs. I will continue to do what I do! Peace!