Just rain water ph 6.5. I was advised to be aware of foxtailing if i let her gain more weight. There are two types of foxtailing: good and bad. I don't have much experience to tell what i see, but it looks good to me,frosty. 24h of light from now
@Lokis, niekada neleisk perdziut, jei lapai rodo, reishkias tingi puodus kilnot ;)) tai yra blogai. Plius visos bakterijos apmirshta stipriai, organikai dykuma negerai.
@HazeyBobby, yes i did a lot of reading about growing. And i know that its hard to create perfect conditions for growing. And that i dont know mutch about it :)
@Lokis, this article is a good reference: https://www.growweedeasy.com/cannabis-plant-problems/overwatering
There might be no problem at all, always good to be ready though :)
And I wouldn't change anything in a big way as your plant looks well.