Plants have grown rapidly. GraduallIy I removed the side branches. They look very naked now. But experience has taught me that - especially with SOG - you can almost never overdo it, by removing sidebranches for up to 3 weeks of flowering (depending on the sativa/indica ratio). Usually these branches do not get enough light, so they do not produce many flowers. 😺
On DAY 12 : The smallest plant is 30 cm. The largest plant is 68 cm. 😊
First flowers appear. The plants already smell very nice ! 👍
On day 8 I watered the plants by hand, for the last time: 5 liter water with 2 tablets of RQS Easy Bloom Booster. From day 9 I have connected the autopots to the water tank. Hopefully the biotabs tablets provide enough nutrition for the coming weeks.
To keep the humidity at the desired level, I have to refill the two 7.5 liter humidifiers daily. 👍
As long as the plants do not have real buds, I like high humidity for a stimulating VPD. 💪
The WATERING VOLUME PER PLANT PER 24H above, is in fact PER POT (4 Plants / pots) !!! 👌
@YellowGrow, Roots like to cross. Roots love to cross, they can even exchange information that way. I once saw 36 beautiful plants in one large box measuring 1m x 1m. Wonderful result. 👈😁👉