This is the week I must flush and harvest - I started flushing last Friday, after a week of cutting back on nutrients. Aurora is starting to fade, the tips of her leaves are turning and her pistils are all turning in. I’ve taken a lot of the popcorn stems off to allow Aurora to focus on her larger stems and flowers. I’ll put some more photos up of her through her last week. Isn’t it amazing - one plant can provide different things depending on how you harvest, what environment you expose it to, and how you tend it? I have friends who enjoy being stoned, and others who want to be elevated or enjoy the racy effects. I want to be creative and as pain free as possible - and these plants can provide for us all. It’s a gift, and I am grateful.
So I give my thanks to Aurora for all she has taught me, as I prepare to put her to rest, and grow one of her sisters for my spring requirements. Onward!