Took a 30-gallon fabric pot, and started filling it with Pro-Mix BX. Put about 6" in and laid a ring of drip emitter line. Then put another 6" of Pro-Mix in and put another ring of drip emitter line in. After that, I filled the pot the rest of the way with Pro-Mix. I soaked a Rapid Rooter plug in a cup of water with a drop of Seaweed Extract and dropped the Auto Amnesia seed in the same water. After a few hours, the seed dropped to the bottom of the cup. I removed the Rapid Rooter plug, squeezed the excess water out and dropped the seed into the Rapid Rooter plug. I put that into a little hole in the center of the pot. I filled in around with Pro-Mix and put a thin layer over the top of the Rapid Rooter plug.
I hooked the 2 drip emitter rings up to my gravity-fed, drip irrigation bucket and ran 2 gallons of water through them. It took about an hour and a half for 2 gallons to run through, there was minimal runoff, so I will be keeping an eye on that and adjusting the flow and the amount. Next, I assembled the automatic watering system that I picked up for $40. It came with 10 emitter stakes which I assembled into two rings. The inner ring consists of 4 emitter stakes placed, close around the center and the larger ring consists of 6 emitter stakes in a larger circle between the center and the edge of the pot. I currently have it running for 7 seconds, once an hour. It appears it will run through about a gallon in 36 hours. If that is the case, the system distributes about 3.5 ounces of water each hour.
The Pro-Mix BX was about 62F and the ambient temperature was chilly, so I put a small heater in the tent. I set it's thermostat a little low, then I plugged it into my temperature controller, and ran the probe into the Pro-Mix near where I dropped the Rapid Rooter down in. I set the shut-off temp at 75, meaning that the heater will have power until the temperature of the Pro-Mix BX hits 75F, my target temp is 74F. Over the next 24 hours, the temperature of the Pro-Mix rose until it was peaking out around 72F, anything warmer seemed to cause the tent to get too hot. I have 3 inline fans bringing in the fresh air and a 4" in-line fan with a filter as my exhaust.
I mixed 2 drops of seaweed extract with 1/2 gallon of water and put that into a garden sprayer, and misted the surface slow and steady until the whole container was empty. Between the 2 gallons I ran through the interior emitter lines, and the 1/2 gallon on the surface, a little water did come through to find the drip pan
I placed a clear solo cup directly over where I buried the Rapid Rooter plug, snuggled it firmly into the Pro-Mix, and then placed a red solo cup over that, successfully blocking out the light. I left a 46w LED bar light turned on to help heat the tent a little. The clear solo cup acted as a humidity dome and on the 3rd day, I thought that I could see the seed poking out of the soil. The next day, the seedling was an inch tall, so I removed the red solo cup, leaving the clear one acting as a humidity dome. I placed the LED light on a 20 hour on, and 4 hours off schedule.
On the 2nd day of being out of the soil, I noticed she was about 3 1/2 inches tall, stretching for the light. I looked up the correct "LUX" for seedling and it was 5,000-7,000. I got my smartphone and installed a light meter app, and adjusted my light down to about 5,600. Then I got some more Pro-Mix and covered up the automatic watering system stake emitters and tubing, and put some more Pro-Mix around the stalk, giving a little feathery support, leaving about 1" sticking out.
I removed the humidity dome on the 3rd day and plugged in my humidifier to the humidity controller. I set the controller to shut off at 60% humidity.
On the 6th day, her 2nd set of leaves appeared and is 3" tall. She has grown 2" so I checked the LUX and it was at 5900. I plan on checking LUX every few days and adjusting the lights accordingly.
On day 9, I swapped out the weaker LED for 1 of the main "1000w" lights. I checked the LUX and had to raise the light up to 56" to lower the LUX to 5900. Going to keep it there and see how the girl reacts to it.