Calamity Jane (Buddha Seeds) sprouted lean and high, but two of Wembley's Automatic failed ... 😢 (Pyramid Seeds) only one sprouted 😰 ... I will replace those two that failed with the seeds of Purple Buddha Kush Auto. 🙌.
I fed the plants with 1 ml Top Veg + 1 ml Top Bloon ... let's see what will happen ...
P.S I will upload two pics of my last harvest - Northen Lights from Pyramids Seeds (Planted on 08 August)😀
I call it "secret" just cause here is not allowed, so I just put with other plants like palms, tomatos ... but it's just an out growing ... 😉
Tnks for follow, suggestions and tips are wellcome ... I'm a begginer grower ...
@travca, Hi bro, nice tip " pineapples, cinnamon, papayas," I'll incrise the number os plants in my garden .... tomorow I'll up more photos, of the babies .... 😏