sorry im late on this update everyone. Im just super busy this week. lord knows when my next day off will be. this week was not bad i guess.. i mean the girls are still alive so what can i complain about? lmao. ive just been watering as needed with regular ol water and they seem content. NL#1 is doing great she looks like she is going to explode with growth over the next week.. fingers crossed... around this time i see peoples plants going into flower but mines is still showing no signs of that at all vertical growth is slow but she seems to want to grow in width and im fine with that.
as yall noticed, NL#2 made it back in for a photoshoot this week. THIS PLANT IS 2 DAYS YOUNGER THAN NL#1. its showing some great new growth its like happy now. if im not mistaken i saw a little white hair sticking out of it from somewhere but i misplaced my loop so ill update yall on that when i find out. anyway thats all i have time for today. happy growing
Hey, great start👍
I found out everytime you do something(topping,LST,defoliation) to the Northern Lights auto,
takes 4-5 days to recover. Hope this helps👊
Grow big💪