So i had to deroot it on 3/3/2020 because i forgot my mykos. Dipped the roots added 2 scoops into the hole around it and replanted. has doubled in size since i did that(not because of the mykos). So i know that no damage was caused other then it having to settle back in.
Still growing nicely. Im not really watering it just keeping the soil from drying. With my mix it becomes easy to tell as it will dry out and look like dust on top. So i like to ensure its still got some moisture. not trying to worry about over/under watering this early as i keep the soil moisture at the sweet spot so it can establish itself. I will say im drying and watering 1-4oz every other day to ensure i dont get White powder mildew as we had an exposure in our grow room from some peat pots that ended up with it and were removed and sanitized best i can. As they grow in veg phase will treat them appropriately as a preemptive measure.
So far nothing to really report at the start of week 2. Will update this as the week goes on if any adjustments or changes are made. So far just sprouting inside and am hoping by week 6-7 will be getting them outdoors.