
9 Breeder-10 Strains1/2 #6

Approved by Barney's Farm, Dutch Passion, Sensi Seeds
4 years ago
Grow Conditions
Week 12
12 hrs
Light Schedule
14+ conditions after
Effective Microorganisms
35 ml/l
Commented by
Organic_Herbalist Organic_Herbalist
5 years ago
Hello Community, We write the day 84 and now again with commentary. It's going full speed ahead, to watch the different stages of development is just insane. The whole growing is connected with so much work but as they say: everything you do with passion and love is not work and that's the way it should be ;D (otherwise I wouldn't be able/would not want to take it so exactly and I would have to spend almost my whole day judging and writing. my brain is busy 24/7 to make something better :D and i am busy every day about 1-2 hours with changes, cleaning the environment, lamps, reflectors, fans, air vents and tent, supporting the drives, watering, temperature control, documentation with pictures, etc... and still i like to do it and would never stop! The results so far are extremely nice to look at, the smell is just incredible and the anticipation is just as great ;D One of the changes in the last few weeks is the modification of the ventilators and the cleaning. Unfortunately I found out that there was only about 15 litres of earth in the pots and I filled them up to the edge with earth to give them maximum nutrients and moisture. Motivation quote: Not the strongest get the farthest, but the toughest! In this sense a happy (in the best case calmer) corona growing! ;D Best_Regards Organic_Herbalist
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Exotic_Seedcommentedweek 15 years ago
Great to see you grow our beautiful Amnesia 7!!! Keep up the good work!
Organic_Herbalistcommented5 years ago
@Exotic_Seed, I'm already curious! Thank you I appreciate that! As always with maximum love and the best knowledge and conscience! :D
Inganjawetrustcommentedweek 164 years ago
Looks great enjoy the fruits of your labor ๐Ÿ‘๐ŸŒฑโœŒ๏ธ
Organic_Herbalistcommented4 years ago
@Inganjawetrust,I support nature only as good as possible but thanks :) I will definitely do that and a few others also only shared happiness is experienced happiness ;D Very nice ladies who are thriving there with you and really nice buds in combination with your trimms ;D
XoticGROW666commentedweek 164 years ago
Donkey Dick buds Love it๐Ÿค›๐Ÿฟโค๏ธ
Organic_Herbalistcommented4 years ago
@XoticGROW666,Nobody ever called her that before, but it's true haha ;D That's the way it should be ;-) <3
FoTwennycommentedweek 164 years ago
Amazing photos of some eautiful plants. Looks absolutely beautiful! Fantastic work!
Organic_Herbalistcommented4 years ago
@FoTwenny,There is nothing to thank after such motivating words, for me it is a matter of course โœŒ๏ธ๐Ÿ˜ In the meantime you can read up on my first 2 diaries. There I have almost all nutrients and additives and everything else I use. Thanks for the reminder I really should list nutrients etc. again ๐Ÿ‘Œ I am happy to explain individual topics to you in more detail if you have specific questions just write me ๐Ÿ˜ Best Regards
FoTwennycommented4 years ago
@Organic_Herbalist, Thank you for dropping by my garden and I appreciate the kind words! I was wondering what and how you feed your plants? Super soil, dry amendments, teas, or liquid ferts? I am sorry if you've already detailed this and if you have, can you point me in the right direction? I am just really impressed with your results. Please teach me your ways!
Organic_Herbalistcommented4 years ago
@FoTwenny,Thank you, I can definitely give this back, very beautiful healthy plants, especially with your training, I will certainly look in more often what you do ;D yes, sometimes I'm a bit of a perfectionist. :D When trimming I was like in another world and became more and more accurate haha
Fungal79commentedweek 115 years ago
Lovely, healthy looking plants. Enjoy ๐Ÿ˜€
Organic_Herbalistcommented5 years ago
@Fungal79, I'm glad to hear you say that. ๐Ÿ‘ And how the soil lives ;D The earth is to be seen as an organism just like the plant, so everything starts from it and is therefore decisive for everything.๐Ÿ‘Œ Nature can simply do this much better than we, oh so smart people. :D Of course it took a few years but in the meantime I hadn't had any nutrient problems or pests/diseases for a long time.
Fungal79commented5 years ago
@Organic_Herbalist, I'm very interested to see results from your living soil. The colour of your leaves, tells me, this is the way forward.
Organic_Herbalistcommented5 years ago
@Fungal79, Sufficient love and care ๐Ÿ˜Œ I will every day with them is a gift :D Best Regards
RussianGrowercommentedweek 85 years ago
Greetings from Russia! Your plants are simply magnificent! Develop in the same spirit! If you are interested in following the adventures of weed in Russia, subscribe to my diary
Organic_Herbalistcommented5 years ago
@RussianGrower,Greetings back! Thanks! Yes, that's for sure and each one is unique and yet they all come together. I'll check it out!
Bouleusscommentedweek 65 years ago
Congratulations on the new baby. She looks good at first. Choose a good variety. Pour a treat. Keep doing what you are doing and have the growing ganja gods protect your women until the growth is complete.
Organic_Herbalistcommented5 years ago
@Bouleuss,Thank's! What kind exactly do you mean? I am convinced of gods and the influence is sure to be with all who appreciate hemp and love it