I missed week 2 😩 sorry! We have a lot going on and I've been bad about taking pictures.
Here we are at the end of week 3. I added an additional MarsHydro so the tent is receiving a true 300w. They've also been on 24 hours rather than the 18/6 I normally do (because the timers are too fat and I'm fairly limited on outlet space.) I've had to turn on the exhaust fan and filter, they are starting to get stanky and I love the nose assault.
The girls are mad at me.... We had a situation where they had to hang out outside of the tent... Ahem, in the car... but they're mostly recovering, White Crack is still a little mad. I'm sure she'll come around.
I've given them a boost of kelp meal and premium gold and worm castings already. They'll probably get a topdressing of flower girl in next week or so.