Mar 30th
Transitioned to week 3 nutes
Arranged autopots in tent (4 of 8 setup with aqua valves)...this will be setup for remainder grow
Setup two 50 litre reservoirs
Plan to turn on autopot system on Thursday or Friday of this week
Moved distance of lights from 30” to 25”
March 31st
Turned on reservoir for 4 auto pots hopefully received their last top watering this evening (all four drinking from bottom)
Setup aqua valves on other 4 auto pots, will turn on reservoir on Thursday or Friday (not all 4 drinking from bottom yet)
Stopped using rapid start with this watering
Put two seeds to crack.....Alaskan Purple (1 seed) Phantom OG (1 seed). Plan to use both as mother plants for next grow.
April 3rd
Captains log...tired of Covid 19! :)
Watered plants from top for last time on phlizon side...turned on second reservoir. If all goes according to plan will be last time I water from top and plants will drink from reservoir for rest of grow. Will top plants next week once they drI nk about half of reservoir.
Seeds have tails and been moved to soil and will be mothers for next grow