Planted: 29/03/2020
Broke the soil: 02/04/2020
Planted the seed directly into soil, Vermiculite, Potting soil and Perlite mixture after 12 hour pre-soak in a tube of water.
Seedling broke ground today (4 days later) and i covered it with a soda bottle cut in half to act as protection against bugs and the elements for now.
"She lookin' fine."
I don't see any apparent deformation or anything strange. The little seedling looks nice and healthy. Not going to do anything except give it a light watering. I'm not sure how much though, was thinking "Spray bottle, and 3 or 4 squirts of water MAX".
Day air temp: 19°c
Humidity: 81%
Night air temp: 13°c
Humidity: 91%
Nice weather out today, sunny and warm, so i gave the plant a little drink and motivated it a little with flattery.
Day air temp: 24°c
Humidity: 50%
Predicted night air temp: 13°c
Predicted humidity: 74%
All i did today was give a little water and left the bottle off so she can breathe.. then i got bored and built another thing to put over her instead of a bottle. We'll see how that works out.
Day air temp: 29°c
Humidity: 63%
Night air temp: 15°c
Humidity: 66%
Just watered today. Nothing special. It looks like she breathes better with Teepee?..i guess. It's probably going to be too small for her in a couple of days though. Gonna have to make another plan soon.
Day air temp: 29°c
Humidity: 56%
Night air temp: 14°c
I did nothing for today..not even a picture. I just went to see if everything was still okay and took a break. It's getting rather cold at night though, worried that it will kill the plant so i might have to move it indoors if it gets colder.
Day air temp: 19°c
Humidity: idea
Night air temp: 4°c
Humidity: ...
No photo's today. I just took off the covering early this morning for some direct sunlight during the day.
Day air temp: 24°c
Humidity: 67%
Night air temp: 10°c
Humidity: 72%
And so with the end of week 1 here...well, i have'nt killed the plant and it's looking healthy. First leaves are nice and big already.
Day air temp: 27°c
Humidiy: 72%
Night air temp: 19°c
Humidity: 78%
@Jpsmash, Yes sir, thought i would give it and Autoflowers a shot for my second grow.. Kind of rushing into things a little bit i think though, but im learning and i think the growing bug has bit!