Seeing slight deficiency on PSK (Purple Star Killer), the GDPs (Granddaddy Purple) seem fine. Leaves look a little curled upwards on the GDP (but very green), but could be due to fast growth, turning off the fan for a day or two since we defoliated heavily. They were topped to create a mainline (topping at 3rd node after 5 nodes of growth, and defoliating the bottom), the two new nodes are starting to develop after they were stunted for about 36h after the cut. The Mars light is down to 200 watts, from it's factory 310 watts and I plan on continuing that way. PSK suffered a bit of a wound in its main leafs at the stem, I think it will be fine - if not may need to prune it in a few days.
Mid-week update:
- Leaves have 'relaxed', I think it could have been the stress of the mainline, plus the fan. The fan is back on, but pointed it more towards the floor to create indirect movement.
- Moved the light down an inch from 21" to 20", and propped up PSK as it's shorter than GDP by an inch.
- Girls are really bouncing back after the initial shock of the mainline. I ended up trimming that busted leaf on PSK, as it was just not holding. Doesn't seem to be affecting growth too much just looks weird.
- I ran a few days of higher pH (6), and PSK (Purple Star Killer) does NOT like it at all! It's showing more deficiencies, so we went the wrong way with our pH I think (sober reminder: people on the Internet will sometimes mislead you). Going to stay low for now as it looks like mineral deficiency possibly Iron, or Zinc. Hope it improves, really looking forward to this strain just having some issues dialing it in.
- GDP is just f'ing happy.
End of Week 3:
- Real happy with all the growth of the GDPs. Time for transplant, seeing lots of roots in the bottom
- Going to start LSTing them new branches from the mainline already early week 4! Dang!
- PSK did not respond to extra calmag this week or fluxing up the pH, think I need to go higher with the micro + grow (A+B) and lower the pH further down to 5.5 for a couple of days and see how she responds because she's looking kind yellow on new growth and wilty on the old growth.