
Purple Haze auto Sensible seeds my 1st

Approved by Original Sensible Seeds
5 years ago
Purple Haze Auto
Original Sensible Seeds
Growing it
My first official real grow (one orange kush previous, but I'm putting down as a test because I learnt so much for this and future grows). She was slow to germinate, to the point where I actually started another seed. but alas she was just sleeping. I had a reality check moment when I first noticed some yellowing of the leaves in the last few weeks (about week 9) but all seems well in the end. I'm posting now because I am too impatient too wait and have started nibbling at the plant. She had purple tinted leaves throughout the grow also the buds are pretty much standard colour. The size and amount of buds produced vs the size of plant is pretty exceptional. Indica dominant would definitely be my advice for small spaced grows.. As my diaries will show overtime im, I'm all about money saving and my current setup reflects this. An old uvb reptile light plus a 15 quid Amazon 3-arm grow light topped off with two x 1 quid standard LED bulbs self customised. Coincidentally the last seed in my batch, I will start tonight is the same strain. Shout out to sensible seeds and Grizzely seeds.
The Outcome
Week 12
Tastes like
Feels like
90% Sativa 10% Indica

Positive effects

Reviews. Nutrient
Love to grow in this plant and coincidentally my last seed of this batch is going to be the same strain and my first "Grow Diaries" full grow
Reviews. Lamp
Reviews. Tent
Commented by
Herbie Herbie
5 years ago
I've nibbled away at the plant because some buds are almost ready whilst others need a little time. I used a technique of snapping the stems I can't remember the name) I cannot say whether it has improved the yield, but can definitely say that it did not harm the plant whatsoever, and will certainly be something that I will try and the future whether to test for improve yields are just to move the plant to my shape liking.
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