Greetings Readers! Its Beans again. I’m sort of hitting my sea-of-green/small plant groove. The rotation is alive and well. BlackJack by Nirvana seems to be one of the better strains I’ve got going, and so continuing the line. These are the fourth and fifth clones of the year! The genetics are Jock Horror x Black Domina.
I transplanted into a container of BX Pro Mix, and side filled with a mixture of 10 parts BX Pro Mix: 5 parts worm castings: 1 part Fox Farms Happy Frog soil.
My tent is 4’ x 4’ hung mylar DIY. My lighting is a 300 actual watt full spectrum LED, and I have 1/6th of that panel again.
This day 46. Things are a bit chilly near the floor but spring has sprung!
I feel ya man...just give them love and let them finish the best they can.
I can't even hardly get myself to take photos of the ones that were ravaged by mites and hoppers...
Extracts and bubble hash are always options. No matter what they look like, they can still deliver the attitude adjustment you were after!